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Thad Cochran's Public Statements on Issue: Animals and Wildlife


Date Title
10/03/2017 Cochran: USDA Catfish Inspection Program A Success After First Month Of Full Implementation
04/17/2017 Cochran, Wicker: Coast Shrimpers Still Need Antidumping Duties On Imports
06/11/2015 Senate Appropriations Bill Benefits Gulf Coast, Fishing Industry
03/04/2015 Cochran Signals Congress Likely to Reject Obama Gulf States Revenue Plan
12/03/2014 Senate Approves Duck Stamp Legislation
07/16/2014 Congress Sends Legislation to Ensure Public Safety, Care for Animals to White House
07/16/2014 Backed by Cochran & Harper, Veterinary Medicine Mobility Act to Become Law
07/10/2014 Sportsmen's Bill Stalled, Impeding Debate on Cochran's Plan to Extend Hunting Seasons for Military & Veterans
07/08/2014 Senator Blunt Fights To Protect Missouri Sportsmen In Ozark National Scenic Riverways
05/30/2014 Cochran: New Developments Will Help American Catfish Producers
05/08/2014 Cochran Will Keep Pressure on Administration to Establish Catfish Inspection Program
05/07/2014 Cochran Gains Assurances of USDA Disaster Assistance for Mississippi Ag Losses
02/26/2014 Cochran, Wicker Support Disaster Recovery Grant for Miss. Fisheries
07/23/2013 Cochran Stresses Importance of Catfish, Forestry to USDA Nominees
05/29/2013 Conchran Hopeful Ongoing Inquiry Will Aid Gulf Coast Shrimp Industry
03/15/2013 Cochran Welcomes Commerce Dept. Decision to Aid U.S. Catfish
12/12/2012 Arkansas, Mississippi Senators Team Up to Protect Farmers, Sportsmen from Burdensome Rice Regulations
07/26/2012 Cochran and Wicker Back Rigs to Reefs Legislation
02/02/2012 Bill to Name Noxubee Wildlife Refuge for the Late Sam Hamilton Given Final Congressional Approval
06/21/2011 Cochran Votes with AG Committee to Approve Legislation to Block Redundant EPA Pesticide Permits
03/15/2011 Mississippi Lawmakers Praise Five-year Extension Of Antidumping Duties on Imported Shrimp
02/01/2011 Cochran and Wicker go to Bat for Gulf Coast Shrimpers
01/18/2011 Cochran Seeks USDA Cooperation in Creating Warranty Program for Mississippi Livestock Producers
08/18/2010 NOAA Releases Funds for Gulf Research Involving Mississippi Universities
07/23/2010 Cochran Cosponsors Legislation to Encourage Veterinarians to Practice in Rural Areas