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Kit Bond's Public Statements

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Date Title
08/05/2010 Bond Opposes Elena Kagan for Supreme Court
08/05/2010 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
07/30/2010 Alzheimer's Battle Needs Commitment
07/30/2010 Letter to The Honorable Eric K. Shinseki Department of Veterans Affairs
07/30/2010 Letter to Timothy Geithner Secretary Department of the Treasury
07/28/2010 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Disaster Declaration In Northern Missouri
07/28/2010 Letter to The Honorable Barack Obama
07/27/2010 PBS "Newshour" - Transcript
07/21/2010 Bond, Franken, McCollum Introduce Thermal Renewable Energy and Efficiency Act
07/21/2010 Nominee for Top Spy Chief Praises Bond - Hatch Cyber Security Bill
07/20/2010 Hearing of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence - General Clapper's Nomination
07/19/2010 Senators Feinstein and Bond Announce Intelligence Committee Passage of Intelligence Authorization Bill
07/14/2010 Financial Regulatory Reform
07/06/2010 Letter to the Honorable Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense
07/02/2010 Letter to Mr. Sepp Blatter President Fédération Internationale de Football Association
07/01/2010 Merkley, Bond, Bayh Introduce Bill to Rebuild Local Economies Hit Hardest by Recession
07/01/2010 CNN "CNN Newsroom" - Transcript
06/30/2010 Senators Bond-Murray Host Aerospace Luncheon Featuring General Jones
06/30/2010 Bond's Remarks at Bipartisan WTO Ruling Press Conference
06/30/2010 Bond: Pentagon Must Not Reward Airbus, EU for Illegal Subsidies at the Expense of American Workers
06/30/2010 Letter to General Eric Shinseki Secretary of Veterans Affairs Department of Veterans Affairs
06/29/2010 Clean Energy
06/29/2010 Remembering Senator Robert C. Byrd
06/28/2010 Bond Statement on Sen. Robert Byrd
06/24/2010 Bond - Hatch Introduce Cyber Security Bill

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