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Harry Reid's Public Statements on Issue: Veterans


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Date Title
11/19/2009 Reid Hails Support For Veterans And Their Caregivers
07/31/2009 Reid Statement on the Implementation of the 21st Century GI Bill
05/21/2009 Reid, Berkley Introduce Legislation to Help Secure Benefits for Air America Veterans
04/29/2009 Nevada to See Increased Benefits in 2010 Budget
04/03/2009 Nevada Sees Major Housing, Tax, Veterans Boost in Budget
11/11/2008 Reid Honors Nevada's Veterans
10/02/2008 Ensign, Reid Announce Final Contract for Southern Nevada VA Hospital
07/22/2008 Senators Feinstein, Kerry, Reid, Obama, Clinton, Leahy, Schumer, Murray, Wyden Introduce Bill to Require the Department of Veterans' Affairs to Provide Access to Voter Registration for Veterans
04/02/2008 Reid Meets With Southern Nevada Military Officers Association Of America
12/19/2007 Ensign, Reid Work to Help Southern Nevada Veterans
12/14/2007 Reid: DOD Bill Eases Unfair Financial Penalties on Disabled Military Retirees
09/06/2007 Reid Leads Senate Passage of MILCON Bill that Supports Vital Military and Veterans Programs
09/05/2007 Reed, Murray, Landrieu Join Veterans In Highlighting Democratic Efforts To Fund Veterans Affairs
07/25/2007 Reid: Senate Passes Long-Overdue Health Care Overhaul, Pay Raise For Troops
07/13/2007 Reid Introduces Amendment To Help Nevada Test Site Workers
06/19/2007 Ensign, Reid Secure Outreach Clinic For Elko Veterans
06/14/2007 Reid: Democrats Providing Care Republicans Have Ignored For Troops, Veterans
06/14/2007 Reid Cosponsors Bill To Support Troops, Veterans, And Their Families
05/25/2007 Reid Statement On Memorial Day
05/25/2007 War Veteran Delivers Memorial Day Message In Democratic Radio Address
04/05/2007 Reid Tours Veterans Hospital, Meets with Local Veterans
03/26/2007 Reid Introduces Bill To Protect Injured Veterans, Troops In Iraq
03/22/2007 Democrats Boost Funding For Veterans Neglected By Bush Administration's Mishanling Of Iraq War, Walter Reed

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