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Frank Lautenberg's Public Statements


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Date Title
05/01/2013 Letter to Chairwoman Mikulski and Vice Chairman Shelby - Fund Federal COPS Hiring Program
04/30/2013 Letter to SEC Chairman Mary Jo White - Protect Consumers' Legal Rights Against Wall Street
04/30/2013 New Federal Report Shows Need for Safe Chemicals Act
04/30/2013 Lautenberg, Menendez Announce Nearly $9.4 Million in Federal Funding to Help Local Communities Recover from Superstorm Sandy
04/29/2013 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Reduce V-A Claims Backlog
04/29/2013 Secretary Donovan And Governor Christie Announce Approval of New Jersey's Disaster Recovery Plan
04/29/2013 Lautenberg, Menendez Applaud Approval of New Jersey's Disaster Recovery Action Plan
04/26/2013 Letter to Chair and Ranking Member of Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Tom Harkin and Jerry Moran - Senators Seek Support for Seniors
04/26/2013 Senators Lautenberg, Durbin, Harkin, and Blumenthal Introduce Legislation to Stop Tobacco Smuggling, Close Tobacco Tax Loopholes, and Increase Federal Tobacco Taxes
04/24/2013 During National Park Week, Menendez & Lautenberg Intro Bill to Restore Nat'l Park Management of NJ Coastal Heritage Trail
04/24/2013 Lautenberg Introduces Bill to Provide Unemployment Aid for Families & Biz Affected by Superstorm Sandy
04/24/2013 During National Park Week, Sens. Lautenberg & Menendez Introduce Bill to Restore National Park Management of NJ Coastal Heritage Trail
04/23/2013 Lautenberg Intros Bill to Require Background Checks for Sale of Explosives Powder In Wake of Boston Tragedy
04/22/2013 Lautenberg, Menendez, Pallone Announce Almost $2 Million to Sandy Hook for Storm Repair
04/18/2013 Lautenberg Expresses Condolences, Vows to Keep Working on Chemical Plant Security Reform Following Texas Explosion
04/18/2013 Reps/ Pascrell, King, Senator Lautenberg Introduce Fire Safety Legislation
04/17/2013 Blumenthal, Murphy to Advocate for Amendment to Ban High-Capacity Magazines
04/17/2013 Lautenberg Statement Following Vote on the Lautenberg- Blumenthal High-Capacity Magazine Ban Amendment
04/17/2013 In Wake of Boston Attack, Lautenberg to Reintroduce Legislation Requiring Background Checks for Sale of Explosive Powder
04/17/2013 Lautenberg Blasts GOP Obstruction of Manchin-Toomey Background Check Compromise
04/17/2013 Senate Immigration Bill Includes Expansion of Lautenberg Amendment for Refugees
04/15/2013 Lautenberg Launches "Chemicals of Concern" Campaign to Highlight Health Effects of Chemicals Found in Consumer Products
04/13/2013 Letter to Secretary Napolitano - Investigate Remote Hijacking Threats
04/12/2013 Lautenberg Applauds President's Plan to Expand Pre-K Enrollment Using Cigarette Tax Increase
04/11/2013 Lautenberg Applauds Passenger Rail Investment in Obama Budget

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