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Kent Conrad's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance

Date Title
08/23/2012 Conrad: Frontier Amendment Critical to Maintaining Quality Health Care in North Dakota
03/06/2012 Conrad Bill Helps Those Suffering from Kidney Disease
02/17/2012 Conrad Applauds Extension of Payroll Tax Cut
02/13/2012 Conrad: President's Budget a Step in the Right Direction
10/06/2011 Conrad, Hoeven Make Case for Frontier Amendment
05/04/2011 Conrad Meets with North Dakota EMT Standout
03/04/2011 Conrad Bill Bolsters Rural Ambulance Service
12/01/2010 Conrad Supports Fiscal Commission Package
12/09/2009 Senators Conrad And Gregg Intrduce New Bipartisan Fiscal Task Force Legislation To Confront Nation's Budget Crisis
05/05/2009 Conrad Honored for Efforts to Help Ambulance Providers
04/30/2009 Conrad Bill Extends Care for Long-Term Patients
01/26/2009 Conrad Unveils Plan to Revitalize Rural North Dakota
01/15/2009 Conrad Previews Plan to Revitalize Rural America
07/15/2008 Statement from Senator Kent Conrad on Congressional Override of President's Veto of Medicare Bill
07/03/2008 Doctors Join Conrad: Call for Medicare Passage
06/26/2008 Conrad Fights Administration's Cuts to Nursing Homes
04/08/2008 Conrad Bill Increases Access to Lifesaving Technology
02/12/2008 Stabenow Discusses Negative Impact of Bush's Budget on All Americans
09/27/2007 Conrad and Dorgan Fight for North Dakota's Hospitals
04/04/2007 Conrad Breaks Ground on Senior Living Center
04/04/2007 Conrad Receives "Golden Grains" Award
10/26/2005 Conrad and HHS Secretary to Discuss Threat of Avian Flu
10/25/2005 Conrad Fights to Protect Rural Pharmacies
10/24/2005 HHS Secretary to Join Conrad for Medicare Meeting