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Patrick Leahy's Public Statements on Issue: Guns

Date Title
06/08/2022 Address On The Epidemic Of Gun Violence Of America
06/07/2022 Statement On Domestic Terrorism Threat After Buffalo Attack
05/25/2022 Statement On FY23 Funding Request For The FBI, And Remarks On The Texas School Shooting
05/25/2022 Statement On Gun Violence And The Horrific Mass School Shooting In Texas
03/23/2021 Leahy, Collins And Durbin Reintroduce Bipartisan Bill To Combat Illegal Straw Purchasing And Firearms Trafficking
06/25/2020 Baldwin, Colleagues Introduce "No Check, No Sale" Bill To Close Loophole Allowing Gun Sales Without A Completed Background Check
02/27/2020 Leahy, Pascrell, King Introduce Crime Gun Tracing Modernization Act
06/13/2019 Menendez, Markey and Deutch Call for Ban on 3D Printed Guns
05/24/2018 Leahy And Nelson Introduce The Crime Gun Tracing Modernization Act
04/12/2018 Guns, Commonsense, And Vermont's Example
05/18/2017 Leahy And Collins Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation To Combat Illegal Straw Purchasing And Firearms Trafficking
07/13/2016 Carper, Leahy and Duckworth Introduce Legislation to Help Communities Prepare for & Respond to Active Shooter Events
06/21/2016 Leahy Urges Senators To Support Amendment That Gives Law Enforcement Meaningful Resources To Prevent Terrorism
06/20/2016 One Week After Mass Shooting In Orlando, Leahy Urges Senators To Support Common Sense Legislation To Make Our Communities Safer
06/15/2016 Leahy, During Senate Dem Filibuster To Force Debate On Gun Safety, After Orlando: Senate Must Pass Commonsense Steps To Support Law Enforcement & Protect Americans In Their Communities
03/26/2015 Senate Judiciary Committee Overwhelmingly Approves Leahy-Authored Bill To Reauthorize Lifesaving Bulletproof Vest Grant Program
03/24/2015 Judiciary Committee This Week To Start Consideration Of Leahy Bill To Reauthorize Lifesaving Bulletproof Vest Grant Program
04/10/2013 Leahy and Collins Announce Agreement with NRA On Legislation to Combat Gun Trafficking
03/14/2013 Leahy And Senate Judiciary Committee Complete Work On Four Gun Violence Bills
03/07/2013 SJC Approves Bipartisan Legislation to Combat Gun Trafficking Authored By Chairman Leahy
01/23/2013 Leahy Unveils Legislation to Combat Illegal Straw Purchasing and Firearms Trafficking
07/27/2010 Leahy Introduces Bill To Protect Gun Owners In Bankruptcy
12/19/2007 Senate Passes Legislation To Improve National Firearms Background Check System