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James Merrill Jeffords' Public Statements


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Date Title
06/27/2006 Flag Desecration Constitutional Amendment
06/26/2006 Sen. Jeffords' Reaction to Supreme Court Review of Case Regarding CO2 Emissions
06/26/2006 Sen. Jeffords' Reaction to Supreme Court Decision on VT Campaign Finance
06/26/2006 Grassley, Wyden, Inhofe Pressure Lobbying Reform Conferees to Keep Provision to End Secret Holds
06/23/2006 Sen. Jeffords' Statement on Mineta Resignation
06/22/2006 Dole, Jeffords' Camp Lejeune Amendment Passes Senate in DOD Bill
06/22/2006 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007
06/22/2006 Hearing of Subcommittee on Clean Air, Climate Change, and Nuclear Safety on the Regulatory Processes for New and Existing Nuclear Plants
06/22/2006 Sen. Jeffords' Statement on Kerry, Levin Amendments
06/21/2006 Letter to Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil Rex Tillerson
06/21/2006 Hearing of the Enviornment and Public Works Committee About Inherently Safer Technology In The Context Of Chemical Site Security
06/20/2006 National Defense Authorizaton Act for Fiscal Year 2007
06/19/2006 Sen. Jeffords' Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on Clean Water Act
06/16/2006 U. S. Marine Corps Base Camp LeJeune Water Contamination
06/15/2006 Hearing U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works on Superfund and Waste Management
06/15/2006 Sen. Jeffords' Statement on the Supplemental Spending Bill
06/14/2006 Letter to Comptroller General of the United States David M. Walker
06/14/2006 Hearing of the Environment and Public Works Committee on Abandoned Hard Rock Mine Cleanup
06/08/2006 Sen. Jeffords' Statement on the Estate Tax
06/08/2006 Statement of Sen. Jim Jeffords, I-Vt. On Death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
06/07/2006 Marriage Protection Amendment--Motion to Proceed
06/07/2006 Sen. Jeffords Rebukes EPA Exemption for Oil and Gas Industry
06/05/2006 Sen. Jeffords' Statement on Bush Immigration Plan
06/05/2006 Sen. Jeffords' Statement on the Federal Marriage Amendment
05/26/2006 U.S. Postal Service To Issue Stamp Commemorating 400th Anniversary Of Champlain's Explorations

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