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James Merrill Jeffords' Public Statements on Issue: Environment


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Date Title
04/28/2005 Letter: Bipartisan Group of Senators Respond to EPA on Analysis Offer
04/28/2005 Sen. Jeffords to Oppose Cloture on Johnson Nomination
04/28/2005 Bipartisan Group of Senators Respond to EPA on Analysis Offer
04/27/2005 EPA Adds Williston Site to Superfund; Sen. Jeffords Challenges Administration on Funding
04/13/2005 Sen. Jeffords' Statement on EPA Nomination and WRDA
04/06/2005 Sen. Jeffords EPW Hearing Statement on EPA Administrator Nominee Stephen Johnson
04/06/2005 Sen. Jeffords Condemns Bush Environmental Record at EPA Nominee Hearing
03/15/2005 Jeffords' Statement on Mercury Rule
03/10/2005 Jeffords Statement on Clean Air Interstate Rule
03/09/2005 EPW Committee Rejects President's Air Pollution Bill
03/09/2005 Jeffords Committee Statement on Bush Administration's Air Pollution Bill
03/08/2005 Jeffords and Boxer Release GAO Report: EPA Should Do More To Protect Communities From Hazardous Waste Exposure
03/07/2005 Senators Call On EPA To Strengthen Mercury Rule
03/02/2005 Inhofe and Jeffords Comment on GAO
02/23/2005 Jeffords Op Ed: Clean Air is More Than an Advertising Slogan
02/17/2005 Senate Resolution 64-...Reduce Global Mercury Use and Pollution to Levels Sufficient to Protect Public Health and the Environment
02/16/2005 Kyoto Protocol and Climate Change
02/16/2005 Jeffords' Statement on Kyoto Implementation
02/14/2005 Jeffords Calls On Pataki to Stop IP Tire Burn
02/09/2005 Jeffords EPW Hearing Statement on EPA Budget
02/07/2005 Jeffords Calls Bush 2006 Budget A "Fiscal Time Bomb"
02/02/2005 Jeffords' Hearing Statement on Clean Air
01/26/2005 Jeffords Pushes Clean Air Legislation At Senate Hearing
01/25/2005 Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions
01/25/2005 Jeffords/Collins/ Lieberman Introduce Clean Power Act

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