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Herb Kohl's Public Statements on Issue: Drugs

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Date Title
09/21/2012 Senators Blumenthal, Kohl, Grassley Seek to Protect the Elderly and Taxpayers from Abusive Overprescribing of Antipsychotics
05/22/2012 Kohl, Grassley and Blumenthal Seek to Cut Misuse of Antipsychotics
11/30/2011 Alternatives to Overuse of Antipsychotics in Nursing Homes Focus of Senate Hearing
11/08/2011 Kohl-Grassley Generic Drug Bill Would Save Taxpayers Nearly $4.8 Billion, Congressional Budget Office Says
10/14/2011 Kohl and Grassley Urge Super Committee to Save Billions by Encouraging Competition from Generic Drugs
10/13/2011 Kohl Introduces Drug Cost Savings Bill
09/13/2011 Kohl Calls on National Drug Control Office to Combat Spike in "Huffing" Deaths, Accidents
07/28/2011 Kohl Works to Get Dangerous "Bath Salts" Hallucinogens Off Store Shelves & Websites
07/21/2011 Judiciary Committee Approves Kohl-Grassley Bill to Save Billions by Stopping 'Payoffs' that Hinder Competition from Generic Drugs
07/21/2011 Kohl: Policies Must Change or Prescription Drug Costs Will Continue to Rise, Increase Deficit
05/09/2011 Grassley, Kohl: Nursing Home Residents Receive Powerful Antipsychotic Drugs for Off-label Uses, Inspector General Report Shows
03/17/2011 Kohl: Administration Should Protect SeniorCare Program
02/10/2011 Gillibrand, Border State Senators Urge Feds to Deploy Military-Grade Radar to Combat Increased Airborne Drug Smuggling Across Us-Canada Border
01/26/2011 Kohl, Grassley: Stopping"Pay-for-Delay" Deals Essential to Lowering RX Drug Costs
09/22/2010 Kohl Encourages Wisconsinites To Participate In National Drug Disposal Day
07/30/2010 Kohl 'Pay-For-Delay' Legislation Included In Senate Appropriations Bill
03/08/2010 Program To Combat Drug Trafficking Expands To Rock And Brown Counties, Kohl, Feingold Announce
09/30/2009 Kohl Succeeds In Defending Funding For Food And Drug Safety In Agriculture Conference Committee
07/29/2009 Hearing Of The Senate Committee On Aging: Physician Payment Sunshine Act – Continuing Medical Education
05/21/2009 Kohl Conducts Food And Drug Administration Budget Oversight Hearing
02/03/2009 Kohl, Grassley Introduce Bill To Stop Industry 'Payoffs' That Delay Generic Drugs
07/31/2008 Senate, House Members Introduce Bill to Provide Doctors With Unbiased Information About Prescription Drugs
07/17/2008 FY09 Agricultural Spending Bill Approved By Senate Appropriations Committee
07/10/2008 Kohl Reacts to Release of PhRMA's New Code of Conduct
05/22/2008 Senators Welcome Endorsements of Physicians Payments Sunshine Act

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