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Kathy Castor's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (FL) - District 14

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Date Title
07/15/2022 Letter to Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, and Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House - Closing the Coverage Gap in Reconciliation to Improve the Health of our Neighbors in Non-Expansion States
03/16/2022 Letter to Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida - Florida Dems to Gov. DeSantis: Plan Ahead Now to Keep Florida's Children Insured and Lower Costs for Families
08/03/2021 Letter to Hon. Joe Biden, President of the United States; and Hon. Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Bourdeaux Leads Letter Urging Leadership to Expand Health Care
06/17/2021 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House and Hon. Charles Schumer, Majority Leader of the Senate - Senator Baldwin Urges House and Senate Leadership to Prioritize Maternal Health in Next Recovery Package
03/24/2021 Letter to the Hon. Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida - U.S. Rep. Lawson Urges Governor Desantis to Maximize the Effectiveness of Florida's Coronavirus Relief
10/08/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader, the Hon. Lindsey Graham, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman, and the Hon. Dianne Feinstein, Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member - Rep. Cisneros Stands Up for Reproductive Rights and ACA Amid Supreme Court Nomination
06/10/2020 Letter to Alex Azar, Secretary of the Dept. of Health and Human Services, and Seema Verma, Adminsitrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Spanberger, Castor Lead Push Urging HHS to Support Health Insurance Navigators, Help Americans Get Independent Assistance in Healthcare Marketplace Enrollment Amid COVID-19
04/21/2020 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader , Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, and Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - Over 150 Members Urge Rejection of GOP Efforts to Repeal Protections for Vulnerable Families, Shove Them Off Medicaid Amid Pandemic
04/03/2020 Letter to the Hon. Seema Verma, Admin. of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Eshoo Leads Energy and Commerce Democrats in Calling for Extending Open Enrollment Periods for and Medicare
03/09/2020 Letter to the Hon. Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida, the Hon. Bill Galvano, President of the Florida State Senate, and the Hon. José Olivia, Speaker of the Florida State House of Representatives - Murphy, Castor, Shalala Urge State Leaders to Protect Floridians from Coronavirus by Expanding Medicaid
01/29/2020 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services and the Hon. Seema Verma, Administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Kennedy, Cooper Lead Rejection of Trump Medicaid Plan
01/13/2020 Letter to the Hon. Ron Desantis, Governor of Florida - Castor and Florida Democratic Congressional Delegation Send Reminder to Florida Lawmakers, Governor: Be Smart and Bring Our Tax $ Home for Medicaid Expansion
01/08/2020 Letter to the Hon. Alez Azar, Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services - Schakowsky Slams New Trump Rule To Impose Restrictions On Reproductive Health Care
08/14/2019 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azarl, Secretary for the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services - House Democrats denounce Trump's health care rights law rollback
01/09/2019 Letter to the Hon. Ron DeSantis, Governor of the State of Florida - Castor, Florida Democratic Congressional Delegation Call On Gov. DeSantis to Expand Medicaid in State
03/06/2018 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Dems Against Medicaid Lifetime Limits
02/14/2018 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Oppose Unlawful Medicaid Work Requirements
10/03/2017 Letter to the Hon. Greg Walden, Committee on Energy and Commerce Chairman - E&C Dems Request Hearings on Market Stabilization
05/24/2017 Letter to President Trump - Cost-Sharing Reduction Payments
12/19/2016 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump - Protect Women's Right to Choose
10/06/2016 Letter to Andrew Slavitt, Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Children's Health Insurance Program
10/28/2015 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House and Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader - Refusing to Vote For Any Budget Deal That Cuts Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security Benefits
06/04/2015 Letter to Stephen Ostroff, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration - Seeking Stronger Opioid Labeling
04/17/2015 Letter to Rick Scott, Governor of Florida - Florida Democrats Urge Governor Scott to Abandon Wasteful and Counterproductive Lawsuit
01/13/2015 Letter to Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Medicaid Oversight

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