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Connie Mack IV's Public Statements

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Date Title
08/01/2012 Mack Votes to Strengthen Iran Sanctions
08/01/2012 Mack: The American People Don't Want Bigger Government and Higher Taxes
07/31/2012 District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
07/31/2012 Mack Takes a Stand on Ecuador
07/28/2012 Mack: "Nelson's Silence Is Deafening on Holder"
07/27/2012 The Nelson-Obama Malaise -- 1.5% Growth in the Second Quarter
07/26/2012 Nelson Breaks Ranks With Himself on Taxes
07/19/2012 Letter to the Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States
07/11/2012 The Nelson-Obama Team Remains In Lockstep With Chavez
07/11/2012 Mack: ObamaCare Must Be Repealed, Replaced and Never Allowed to Happen Again
07/09/2012 Nelson-Obama Again Declare Class Warfare in Disgraceful Election Year Ploy
07/06/2012 The Nelson-Obama Malaise -- 8.2% Permanent Unemployment
06/29/2012 Freedom of Expression Under Attack in Venezuela
06/29/2012 Mack Says No Again to Washington Budget Gimmicks
06/28/2012 Mack Votes in Favor of Contempt Measure Against Holder
06/28/2012 In Wake of Court Ruling, Mack Introduces Two Bills to Halt All Implementation of ObamaCare and Repeal It
06/28/2012 Mack: "Bill Nelson Always Knew ObamaCare Was A Tax."
06/27/2012 Nelson, Lockstep Liberals Torpedo Keystone XL Pipeline
06/20/2012 Mack Statement on LeMieux Withdrawal
06/20/2012 Mack: "What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?"
06/20/2012 Mack: Hold AG Holder In Contempt
06/11/2012 Mack Reacts to Castro Regime's Arresting and Beating of U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Witness
06/07/2012 Mack Introduces Bill Calling for the Freedom of Dr. Afridi
06/07/2012 Mack Recognizes Creation of Pacific Alliance Trade Bloc
06/01/2012 Mack Statement on Sex-Selection Abortion

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