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Connie Mack IV's Public Statements

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Date Title
09/12/2012 Mack Backs Bill to Prevent More Toxic Drywall in Florida
09/10/2012 ObamaCare
09/05/2012 In Pensacola Today, Nelson on Hot Seat on Reckless Endangerment of National Defense
09/05/2012 Bill Nelson Dances the Night Away in Charlotte While His Stimulus Programs and ObamaCare Send National Debt Soaring to Over $16 Trillion
08/27/2012 After Falling in Lockstep with President Obama and Killing the Keystone Pipeline, Nelson Awarded Sierra Club Endorsement
08/23/2012 Bill Nelson Voted to Gut U.S. Military
08/22/2012 Mack on CBO Report: Nelson-Obama Policies Have Put Us On the Brink
08/13/2012 Mack Comments on Holder Suit: It is Inexcusable that it has Reached this Point
08/09/2012 Nelson's Nonsense
08/02/2012 Mack Calls for Prioritizing U.S. Security with Mexico
08/01/2012 Mack Votes to Strengthen Iran Sanctions
07/31/2012 Mack Takes a Stand on Ecuador
07/28/2012 Mack: "Nelson's Silence Is Deafening on Holder"
07/26/2012 Nelson Breaks Ranks With Himself on Taxes
06/28/2012 Mack Votes in Favor of Contempt Measure Against Holder
06/27/2012 Nelson, Lockstep Liberals Torpedo Keystone XL Pipeline
06/20/2012 Mack: "What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?"
06/07/2012 Mack Recognizes Creation of Pacific Alliance Trade Bloc
04/25/2012 Mack Challenges Administration's Western Hemisphere Spending Priorities
04/12/2012 Mack to Lead Bipartisan Delegation to Summit of the Americas
02/29/2012 Mack To Clinton: "Why Did You Flip-Flop on Keystone XL Pipeline?"
02/09/2012 Mack, Rehberg, Boren; 53 Bipartisan House Members
01/20/2012 Mack Blasts Obama Administration for Wasting $70 million on Mexican Climate Change at Expense of Border Security
01/19/2012 Obama to Nation: "Take Your Jobs And Shove Them, I'm Going To Disney World!"
01/18/2012 Obama to Nation: "Take Your Jobs And Shove Them, I'm Going To Disney World!"

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