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Jerry Moran's Public Statements on Issue: Military Personnel

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Date Title
07/14/2016 Letter to the Honorable John McCain, Senate Armed Services Committee, the Honorable Jack Reed, Senate Armed Services Committee, the Honorable Mac Thornberry, House Armed Services Committee and the Honorable Adam Smith, House Armed Services Committee - Defense Authorization
07/14/2016 Sen. Moran Supports Emergency Funding for Zika
02/25/2016 Sens. Moran, Blunt Introduce Legislation to Stop Military Force Reductions
01/01/2016 Issue Position: National Security and Military
01/01/2016 Issue Position: Veterans
12/07/2015 Sen. Moran Praises Announcement of McConnell 931st Air Refueling Group's Designation as Air Refueling Wing
11/10/2015 Ahead of Veterans Day, Senate Passes Bill to Fund Military Construction and VA
09/28/2015 Kansas Common Sense - Pope Francis Visits Washington, D.C.
08/31/2015 Kansas Common Sense - Chairing the Congressional Down Syndrome Task Force
07/16/2015 Heitkamp, Moran, King, Boozman Reintroduce Bipartisan Bill to Improve Support for Nation's New Veterans
04/06/2015 Kansas Common Sense - Easter Sunday and Passover
03/23/2015 Kansas Common Sense - National Agriculture Week
03/16/2015 Kansas Common Sense - Call with FDA Commissioner After Listeria Outbreak
02/17/2015 Kansas Common Sense: We Are One: Fort Riley Listening Session
02/09/2015 Sen. Moran Introduces Bill to Give Tax Credit to Military Spouses
02/09/2015 Sen. Moran Statement on Meeting with U.S. Army and Fort Riley Leadership
01/09/2015 Sen. Moran Praises Final NBAF Funding Included in New House FY 2015 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill
01/01/2015 Issue Position: National Security and Military
08/13/2014 Letter to John McHugh, Secretary of the Army and General Raymond T. Odierno, Chief of Staff, United States Army - Ft. Riley and Ft. Leavenworth Critical to National Military Strategy and Kansas
08/13/2014 Letter to John McHugh, Secretary of the Army and General Raymond T. Odierno, Chief of Staff, United States Army - Ft. Riley and Ft. Leavenworth Critical to National Military Strategy and Kansas
07/07/2014 Kansas Common Sense - Celebrating Independence Day
06/19/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Guantanamo Bay Detainees Swap
05/19/2014 Letter to Chuck Hagel, Secretary of Defense and Eric Shinseki, Secretary of Veterans Affairs - Senators Push To Improve Military Mental Health Services
05/02/2014 Sen. Moran Introduces Caring For America's Heroes Act
04/02/2014 Sen. Moran Statement on Ft. Hood Shooting

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