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Jerry Moran's Public Statements on Issue: Science

Date Title
02/10/2020 Sen. Moran Statement on the President's FY2021 NASA Budget Request
09/26/2019 FY2020 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Bill Approved for Senate Consideration
09/24/2019 FY2020 CJS Appropriations Bill Advanced by Subcommittee
03/13/2019 Bipartisan, Bicameral Group of Members Introduce Tech Legislation to Address Workforce Shortage
05/01/2017 Sen. Moran Statement on NIH Research Investment
10/12/2015 Kansas Common Sense - National Defense Authorization Act Passes Senate
09/21/2015 Kansas Common Sense - Today: Atchison County Kansas Listening Tour Stop
07/06/2015 Kansas Common Sense - Celebrating Independence Day
06/15/2015 Kansas Common Sense - Consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act
05/18/2015 Kansas Common Sense - Urging VA to Prioritize Veterans' Access to Mental Health Care
05/11/2015 Kansas Common Sense - The Senate Passes a Budget
05/04/2015 Kansas Common Sense - A Tradition of Listening to Kansans
05/05/2014 Kansas Common Sense - Discussing Kansas Education Priorities with Secretary Duncan
04/14/2014 Kansas Common Sense - Working to Protect Air National Guard Cyber Red Team
05/06/2013 Moran's Memo: Maintaining the Tradition of Charitable Giving
10/22/2012 The Importance of the Technology Sector to the American Economy
10/22/2012 Promoting the Importance of Cancer Research
10/08/2012 Cancer Research Forum
08/08/2012 Continuing the Effort to Advance Cancer Research in Kansas
06/15/2012 Governor Brownback and Senators Roberts & Moran Issue Statement on NAS Evaluation of DHS' NBAF Risk Assessment
12/01/2011 Maintaining a Steadfast Commitment to NIH
07/30/2009 Kansas Delegation: GAO Report Short on Expertise, Long on Errors; NBAF Critical to Protect Nation's Food Supply