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John Culberson's Public Statements on Issue: Government Budget and Spending

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Date Title
09/13/2018 Culberson Issues Statement on Minibus Appropriations Package
05/24/2018 Culberson's Statement on Passage of National Defense Authorization Act
05/23/2018 Culberson Amendment to Preserve Historic Battleships Adopted
05/08/2018 Culberson Statement on FY19 MilCon-VA Appropriations Subcommittee Bill
04/12/2018 Culberson on Failed Passage of the Balanced Budget Amendment Resolution
02/07/2018 Rep. Culberson Introduces Disaster Assistance Bill for Harvey Survivors
02/06/2018 Rep. Culberson Statement on Passage of Continuing Resolution
01/30/2018 Rep. Culberson Supports Vital Defense Funding Bill, Calls for Senate Action
01/22/2018 Rep. Culberson Statement on Passage of Continuing Resolution to Keep Government Open
01/20/2018 Rep. Culberson Statement on Government Shutdown
11/17/2017 Rep. Culberson Statement on Disappointing OMB Request
11/14/2017 Rep. Culberson Statement on Passage of National Defense Authorization Act
11/14/2017 Big Win for Our Troops
07/18/2017 Culberson Fulfills Agreement with Houston METRO and Gives Houstonians a Voice in THUD Appropriations Bill
07/13/2017 Culberson Amendment to Preserve Historic Battleships Adopted
07/13/2017 Culberson's Statement on Approval of CJS Appropriations Bill by House Appropriations Committee
06/30/2017 Culberson Supports FY 2018 Defense Appropriations Bill
05/23/2017 Culberson Statement on President Trump's Budget
12/23/2016 Culberson Statement on Texas Receiving $177 Million in Disaster Relief Funding
09/12/2016 Culberson Letter Seeks Disaster Funding for Texas Floods
05/19/2016 Culberson Statement on passage of National Defense Authorization Act
02/23/2016 Culberson Chairs First FY17 CJS Budget Hearing
02/01/2016 Culberson Pledges to Use Power of the Purse to Pressure Department of Justice to Block Federal Law Enforcement Grants to Sanctuary Cities
12/16/2015 Culberson Keeps His Word To Restore NASA To The Glory Days of Apollo
08/12/2015 Defunding Planned Parenthood

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