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Jim McGovern's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MA) - District 2

Date Title
07/20/2021 Chairman McGovern Responds to Circuit Court Ruling Dismissing House Republicans' Appeal Challenging Remote Voting
06/18/2021 Catholic Members of Congress Release Statement of Principles
08/06/2020 Chairman McGovern Responds to District Court Ruling Dismissing House Republicans' Lawsuit Challenging Remote Voting
05/26/2020 Chairman McGovern Responds to Republican Lawsuit Challenging Remote Voting Rule
05/21/2020 Chairman McGovern: McConnell is Flat-Out Wrong on the House's Remote Voting Procedure
05/13/2020 Hoyer, Lofgren, McGovern Statement on Introduction of Resolution Temporarily Implementing Remote Voting and Virtual Committee Proceedings
04/22/2020 Chairman McGovern Releases Statement on Bipartisan Task Force
04/22/2020 Chairman McGovern Releases Resolution to Ensure Congress Can Continue its Work During the Coronavirus Pandemic
04/16/2020 Chairman McGovern Statement on Presentation to the Democratic Caucus Recommending Implementation of Temporary Remote Voting During this Pandemic
12/23/2019 McGovern Calls for Senate Action on Key House-Passed Bills
10/29/2019 Chairman McGovern Introduces Resolution Providing a Clear Path Forward for the Open Hearings on President Trump's Abuse of Power
10/28/2019 Chairman McGovern Announces Markup of Resolution Ensuring Transparency and Providing a Clear Path Forward as House Prepares Public Phase of Impeachment Inquiry
07/25/2019 Raskin, House, Democrats Introduce Fair Representation Act Following Supreme Court Decision on Gerrymandering
06/06/2019 Chairman McGovern Introduces Resolution to Enforce Subpoenas Issued to Attorney General Barr & Former White House Counsel McGhan
01/04/2019 Congresswoman Scanlon Appointed to House Rules Committee
12/20/2018 McGovern Reacts to Democratic Caucus Approving his Nomination to Serve as Chairman of the House Rules Committee
12/20/2018 Joint Statement: Speaker Ryan Continues to Block Crucial Yemen Vote--And American Bombs Keep Falling
04/10/2018 McGovern Statement on Appointment as Ranking Member of House Rules Committee