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Jim McGovern's Public Statements on Issue: Family


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MA) - District 2

Date Title
06/21/2022 McGovern, Delauro Statement on Bipartisan, Bicameral Agreement on School Meal Waiver Extensions
02/17/2022 In Orange, McGovern Announces LUNCHES Act to Reimburse Schools More Money for Student Meals
02/11/2022 McGovern, Davis Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Strengthen Student Access to Healthy School Breakfasts
05/11/2021 Pressley, McGovern Reintroduce Bill to Provide Critical Support for Grandparent-Led Households
05/11/2021 McGovern, Pressley Reintroduce Bill to Provide Critical Support for Grandparent-Led Households
01/21/2021 Davis Re-Introduces Bipartisan FEED Act with Reps. Thompson and McGovern to Support Local Restaurants and Provide Meals to People in Need
01/14/2021 McGovern, Thompson, Davis Join Chef José Andrés and Share Our Strength to Introduce Bipartisan FEED Act
03/03/2020 House Passes McGovern Bill Condemning Violence Against Children
07/09/2018 Bipartisan Legislation to Assist Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Signed into Law
06/09/2016 Members and Advocates Call on Congress to Reject the Child Nutrition Reauthorization Bill
03/02/2016 Adams, McGovern, Pelosi, Hoyer, Becerra, House Democrats Call for Strong Bipartisan Action to Address Poverty
02/26/2016 McGovern, House Democrats Introduce Fair Day in Court for Kids Act
07/22/2015 Photos: Congressman McGovern Hosts 2nd Annual Summer Food Rocks Tour
05/08/2014 Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairmen Express Outrage Over Boko Haram Kidnappings in Nigeria
03/01/2013 212 Members of Congress File Historic Amicus Brief on DOMA Case before U.S. Supreme Court
01/23/2013 Rep. Campbell Joins Bipartisan Effort to Shut Down Animal Fighting Operations
10/11/2012 Rep. Schiff Announces Almost 40 Members of Congress Have Participated in NOH8 Campaign
09/07/2012 Pelosi, Nadler, 143 House Members File New Amicus Brief on Federal Case Against DOMA
07/10/2012 Pelosi, Nadler, 130 House Members File Amicus Brief on Federal Case Against DOMA
04/18/2012 DeLauro, Baca, McGovern: Majority Slashes Program that Feeds Children and Seniors
08/30/2011 Kerry, Markey, Lynch, McGovern, Tsongas, Capuano, Olver, Keating: MA Wins $4.5 Mil to Fight Youth Drug Use