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John Tierney's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

Date Title
09/12/2012 Congressman Tierney Statement on the Death of U.S. Ambassador to Libya
08/03/2012 Tierney Supports Bipartisan Iran Sanctions Bill
10/04/2011 Hearing of the National Security, Homeland Defense, and Foreign Operations Subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform - "Where is the Peace Dividend? Examining the Final Report to Congress of the Commission on Wartime Contracting"
09/15/2011 Hearing of the Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - Opening Statement
09/09/2011 Congressman Tierney Introduces Legislation to Combat Contractor Waste, Fraud and Abuse
06/23/2011 President Obama's Plan Does Not Bring Our Troops Home Fast Enough
05/11/2011 Hearing of the National Security, Homeland Defense, and Foreign Operations Subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee - "USAID: Following the Money"
05/04/2011 Tierney Statement on the Death of Osama bin Laden
01/20/2011 Tierney Designated Ranking Member on the House Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations
07/28/2010 Chairman Tierney Examines How U.S. Agencies Can Better Work Together to Protect National Security
07/20/2010 Hearing Of The Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - Rethinking our Defense Budget: Achieving National Security through Sustainable Spending
06/22/2010 Hearing Of the Subcommittee On National Security and Foreign Affairs of the House Committee On Oversight and Government Reform - Investigation of Protection Payments for Safe Passage Along the Afghan Supply Chain
04/28/2010 Tierney Responds To House Passage Of Department Of Defense Acquisition Reform Bill
10/08/2009 Tierney Statement On CBO Report: "Withdrawal Of U.S. Forces From Iraq: Estimated Timelines And Estimated Costs"
06/23/2009 Hearing Of The House Oversight And Government Reform Committee - The Future Of The V-22 Osprey: Costs, Capabilities, And Challenges
06/10/2009 Hearing Of The National Security And Foreign Affairs Subcommittee Of The House Oversight Committee - Commission On Wartime Contracting: Interim Findings And A Path Forward
05/19/2009 Hearing of the National Security Subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee - Afghanistan and Pakistan: Resourcing the Civilian Surge
05/07/2009 Hearing of the National Security Subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee - GPS: Can We Avoid a Gap in Service?
03/26/2009 Troops, Diplomats, and Aid: Assessing Strategic Resources for Afghanistan
04/16/2008 Hearing of the National Security and Foreign Affairs Subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee: What are the Prospects? Costs? Oversight of Missile Defense (Part Two)
09/20/2007 Hearing of the House Select Intelligence Committee - The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act