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Bill Shuster's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch

Date Title
06/27/2017 Shuster & Graves Applaud Proposal to Rescind WOTUS Rule
06/01/2017 Shuster Statement on President Trump Withdrawing US From Paris Climate Accord
05/24/2017 Shuster Statement on the President's Budget
04/28/2017 Shuster Statement on President Trump's First 100 Days in Office
04/07/2017 Shuster Congratulates Neil Gorsuch on Being Confirmed as Supreme Court Associate Justice
03/16/2017 Shuster Commends Inclusion of Air Traffic Control Reform in President Trump's Budget Blueprint
02/28/2017 Shuster Joins Trump for Executive Order Signing on EPA WOTUS Rule
02/01/2017 Shuster: "Trump SCOTUS Nominee is Great Choice for the American People"
01/24/2017 Shuster Statement on President Trump Moving Forward on Keystone Pipeline
01/20/2017 Obama to Trump: A Peaceful Transfer of Power
01/06/2017 Measure to Require Congressional Approval of Major Government Regulations Passes House
12/19/2016 Lame Duck President Continues War on Coal
05/27/2015 Shuster & Gibbs Statement on Finalization of Waters of the United States Rule
04/30/2015 Shuster & Gibbs Statement on Regulatory Integrity Protection Act Veto Threat
01/20/2015 Shuster SOTU Response: President Obama Ignores Failed Policies and Doubles Down on Big Government
11/20/2014 President Obama Turns His Back on the American People
08/11/2014 Blog: The Rights of the Many Over the Will of One
07/31/2014 Shuster Votes to File Lawsuit for Obama's Executive Overreach
07/30/2014 Shuster Condemns President Obama for Illegal Prisoner Exchange
01/28/2008 Shuster Statement on the State of the Union