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Diana DeGette's Public Statements on Issue: Science


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CO) - District 1

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Date Title
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Stem Cell Research
07/27/2011 Statement on Dismissal of Stem Cell Research Lawsuit
06/29/2011 DeGette Marks Introduction of Stem Cell Legislation with Visit to Craig Hospital
06/27/2011 DeGette and Dent Introduce Stem Cell Legislation
05/05/2011 Letter to William S. Smith, Jr., President, Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy
04/29/2011 DeGette Statement on Stem Cell Ruling
11/23/2010 DeGette Hails Approval of Second Embryonic Stem Cell Human Trial
09/15/2010 The Denver Post- Act Now on Embryonic Stem-cell Research Funds
09/15/2010 The Denver Post: Stem-cell research pushed to top of Congress' agenda
08/23/2010 DeGette Responds To Judge's Decision To Block Embryonic Stem Cell Research
06/11/2010 Colorado Delegation Members Urge President to Protect Orion Space Capsule Jobs
03/09/2010 DeGette and Castle to Introduce Stem Cell Research Bill on Anniversary of Presidential Executive Order
03/09/2010 Castle And Degette To Introduce Stem Cell Research Bill On Anniversary Of Presidential Executive Order
12/02/2009 NIH Approves New Stem Cell Lines
12/02/2009 NIH Approves New Stem Cell Lines
05/27/2009 DeGette and Castle Drive Bipartisan Comments on NIH Guidelines
05/07/2009 Abstinence-Only Funding Zeroed Out In Obama Budget
04/29/2009 President Obama's First 100 Days Puts America On Track
04/17/2009 DeGette, Castle: Draft Stem Cell Guidelines Ready For Public Comment
03/26/2009 Protecting Research Participants A Priority
03/25/2009 Protecting Participants In Research
03/09/2009 DeGette, Castle Praise Executive Order To Remove Federal Restrictions On Stem Cell Research
01/02/2009 The Denver Post - Restoring Stem Cell Research
12/22/2008 Obama Should Act To Overturn Stem Cell Restrictions By Executive Order
12/12/2008 DeGette Responds To Vatican Bioethics Document

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