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Diana DeGette's Public Statements on Issue: Women


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CO) - District 1

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Date Title
09/24/2021 House moves to guarantee all Americans access to abortion care
06/16/2021 Houlahan Moves to Restore Funding to UNFPA and Re-Honor U.S. Commitment to Protecting Women and Girls Across the Globe
05/18/2021 Reps. Chu, Lee, DeGette, and Fletcher Lead Congressional Applauding HHS for Proposed Title X Family Planning Regulations
02/12/2021 Representative Lee Leads Congressional Democrats in Filing Amicus Brief in ACOG v. FDA
08/04/2020 Brownley, Lee, DeGette, Nadler, and Pappas Lead Bicameral Amicus Brief Opposing the Trump Administration's Refusal of Care Rule
07/08/2020 Lawmakers Move to Repeal Trump's Birth-Control Rule after SCOTUS Rules in Favor
07/08/2020 Lawmakers move to repeal Trump's birth-control rule after SCOTUS rules in favor
10/17/2019 Representatives Frankel, Houlahan Call on Congress and the President to Re-Fund UNFPA and Stand Up For Women and Girls
09/12/2019 Schakowsky Introduces Legislation to Protect Consumers from Harmful Products in Cosmetics and Personal Care Items
06/05/2019 Cortez Masto Cosponsors Legislation to Remove Financial Barriers to Reproductive Health Care
02/22/2019 Congressional pro-choice leaders blast White House over newly announced Title X rule
11/09/2018 Lowey, Degette, Lee Condemn Trump Administration's Post-Election Attacks on Women's Health
06/27/2018 DeGette: Justice Kennedy's Successor Must Uphold Women's Rights, Especially to Make their Own Reproductive Health Choices
05/23/2018 Trump Title X Gag Rule Will Harm Millions of Patients, Pro-Choice Caucus Leaders Say
05/23/2018 Trump Title X Gag Rule Will Harm Millions of Patients, Pro-Choice Caucus Leaders Say
02/12/2018 DeGette Condemns Alleged Trump Administration Collusion with Extremist Group
01/11/2018 Pro-Choice Caucus Leaders Blast Trump Administration for Continuing to Try and Prevent Immigrant Minors from Accessing Legally-Allowed Reproductive Health Services
12/20/2017 Pro-Choice Leaders Condemn GOP Insertion of Abortion Ban into Year-End Spending Bill
10/17/2017 DeGette Blasts Trump Administration for Preventing Refugees from Accessing Legally-Allowed Reproductive Health Services
10/06/2017 Pro-Choice Caucus Members React to Interim Final Trump Administration Rule that Would Deny Birth Control Coverage for Millions of Women
09/05/2017 DeGette, Slaughter, Lowey Condemn Anti-Choice Provisions in 2018 Appropriations Bills
07/28/2017 Representatives Davis, Degette, Doggett, And Castor Lead Effort To Support Children And Families By Reauthorizing The Home Visiting Law
04/04/2017 Congressional Leaders Condemn President Trump's Decision to Cut Off Funding for the United Nations Population Fund
03/09/2017 DeGette Resists Approval of GOP Repeal Bill, Works to Limit The Damage It Would Do
03/02/2017 Herrera Beutler, Conyers, Costello & DeGette Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Prevent Maternal Deaths in the USA

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