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Rick Larsen's Public Statements on Issue: Environment


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (WA) - District 2

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Date Title
09/20/2019 Larsen Shepherds Puget Sound Recovery Bill to House Floor
09/19/2019 Committee Approves Slate of Legislation to Maintain Labor Standards, Fund Water Projects Across the Country, Improve Disaster Preparedness, and More
07/19/2019 Letter to the Hon. Andrew Wheeler, Admin. of the Environmental Protection Agency - Washington State Lawmakers Blast EPA Decision to Roll Back Fish Consumption Rule without Public Hearings
05/02/2019 Larsen Votes to Address Threats of Climate Change
04/23/2019 Maloney Applauds Major Step Forward in Coast Guard's Plan to Build New Polar Security Cutter
04/15/2019 Letter to Administrator Wheeler and Assistant Secretary James - Rep. McEachin, Jayapal, Diaz Barragán, Lead Letter Urging House to Protect the Clean Water Act
04/04/2019 Letter to Rep. John Yarmuth, Chair of the House Budget Committee and Rep. Nita Lowey, Chair of the House Appropriations Committee - Top Dems Push for Funding to Address the Climate Crisis
01/11/2019 Larsen Votes to Reopen Key Federal Agencies to Support National Parks and Environment
12/21/2018 Letter to Rep. Paul Ryan and Rep. Nancy Pelosi - Larsen Calls on House Leadership to Permanently Reauthorize LWCF
12/21/2018 Larsen Calls on House Leadership to Permanently Reauthorize LWCF
12/20/2018 Letter to the Hon. Mick Mulvaney, Office of Management and Budget - Crist Seeks Federal Funding to Tackle Harmful Algal Blooms
12/17/2018 Letter to the Hon. Andrew Wheeler, Acting Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - DeGette Leads Democratic House Colleagues in Opposition to EPA Proposal to Weaken Methane Standards
12/13/2018 Letter to President Donald Trump - Lawmakers Push President to Act on Climate Change
11/15/2018 Letter to the Hon. Andrew Wheeler, Acting Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Congressional Progressive Caucus Lead 114 House Democrats in Letter to Administrator Wheeler Urging Reversal of Clean Power Plan Replacement
10/18/2018 Letter to the Hon. Andrew Wheeler, Acting Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Bonamici, Beyer Lead 96 Colleagues in Opposing Plans to Eliminate the EPA's Office of the Science Advisor
09/17/2018 Letter to the Hon. Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the Department of the Interior, and the Hon. Wilbur Ross, Secretary of the Department of Commerce - Beyer, Dingell, And Grijalva Lead 100+ Members In Call To Safeguard Endangered Species Act
09/12/2018 Letter to The Hon. Andrew Wheeler, Acting Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, The Hon. Elaine Chao, Secretary of The Department of Transportation - Matsui Leads 90 House Members on Letter Condemning Trump Administration's Fuel Economy Proposal
09/12/2018 Letter to the Hon. Paul Ryan and the Hon. Nancy Pelosi - Congressman Lowenthal Leads Effort Calling On House Leadership To Protect The Endangered Species Act And Conservation
09/12/2018 Letter to Co-Chairs of the Global Climate Action Summit - Congressional Climate Champions Applaud Local Action on Display at the Global Climate Action Summit
06/07/2018 Letter to the Hon. Scott Pruitt, EPA Administrator - Withdraw "Transparency Rule" That Will Damage Environmental Protection
06/06/2018 Larsen Supports Water Resources Development Act
04/25/2018 Letter to the Hon. Scott Pruitt, EPA Administrator - Reinstate Longstanding Toxic Air Pollution Protections
04/25/2018 Letter to the Hon. Rodney Frelinghuysen, House Appropriations Chairman, and Nita Lowey, Ranking Member - Task Force Co-Chairs Call for Fully Funded EPA Ahead of Pruitt's Testimony to Congress
03/30/2018 Larsen Calls on EPA to Maintain Clean Vehicle Emissions Standards
03/29/2018 Letter to Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce - Bipartisan, Bicameral Lawmakers Urge Sec. Ross to Swiftly and Robustly Fund Pacific Coast Fishery Disasters

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