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Mike Rogers' Public Statements on Issue: National Security


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (AL) - District 3

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Date Title
02/07/2023 Rogers: Biden Remains Weak on China
04/18/2022 Rogers Statement on Biden Admin Anti-satellite Missile Testing Ban
03/08/2022 Rogers: Homeland Defense is the Foundation of Our National Security
08/13/2021 Rogers, Katko, McCaul: Homeland Is Less Secure With Terrorist Safe Havens Abroad
07/29/2021 Rogers Praises House Passage Of National Guard Funding
12/18/2020 Cheney, Gallagher, Thornberry, Rogers, Turner, Stefanik: As We Respond To Attacks, The NDAA Will Bolster Our Cybersecurity Defenses
10/27/2020 Rogers and Stauber Introduce the "Commitment to American Security Act"
10/20/2020 Rogers Applauds DOD and NSA's Cybersecurity Education Diversity Initiative
09/30/2020 House Passes Republican Bills to Expand Paid Parental Leave at TSA and Combat Human Trafficking
09/23/2020 CHS Republicans Urge Chairman to Schedule "Keep America Secure Act" Mark Up
09/18/2020 Homeland Security Republicans Introduce the "Keep America Secure Act" A Comprehensive 2-Year Reauthorization of DHS
09/11/2020 Ranking Member Rogers on Chairman Thompson's Subpoena for Chad Wolf
09/02/2020 Rogers Statement on CISA's Election Risk Profile Tool
08/25/2020 Rogers on the Nomination of Chad Wolf to be Secretary of Homeland Security
08/24/2020 Rogers Statement on GAO Report on the Succession Order for DHS Secretary
08/07/2020 Rogers Statement on President Trump's Executive Orders Addressing the Threats Posed by ByteDance and Tencent
07/28/2020 Congresswoman Hartzler, Colleagues Introduce Protecting America from Spies Act
07/20/2020 House Republican Leaders Applaud CFATS Extension
07/07/2020 Rep. Rogers on FY 2021 Homeland Security Bill Blocking Funding for Border Wall
07/02/2020 Rogers' Statement on HASC Passage of NDAA
05/22/2020 Rep. Rogers on Shooting at Corpus Christi Naval Air Station
05/18/2020 Rogers Statement on Pensacola Naval Air Station Terrorist's Link to Al Qaeda
05/13/2020 Rogers Praises Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism Leadership
05/11/2020 Rogers on China's Attempts to Steal Research on Coronavirus Treatments

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