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T.J. Cox's Public Statements on Issue: Environment

Date Title
11/19/2020 Letter to President Donald Trump - Bonamici, Beyer, Castor, Grijalva Lead 89 Members in Opposing Trump Effort to Undermine Climate Science
10/05/2020 Letter to the Hon. John Barrasso, Chairman of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Hon. Thomas R. Carper, Ranking Member of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Hon. Peter A. DeFazio, Chairman of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and the Hon. Sam Graves, Ranking Member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure - Representative TJ Cox Sends Letter Urging for Inclusion of the WIFIA Improvement Act in Bicameral Water Resources Package
09/29/2020 Letter to the Hon. Peter DeFazio, Chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, the Hon. John Barrasso, Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, the Hon. Sam Graves, Ranking Member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and the Hon. Tom Carper, Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee - Pappas Leads Bipartisan Call for PFAS Action in Water Infrastructure Bill
07/21/2020 Letter to Speaker Pelosi, Leader Hoyer, Majority Whip Clyburn, and Chairman Neal - Pappas Leads Call to Support America's Trucking Industry
06/30/2020 Letter to Kathy Castor, Chair of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis and Garret Graves, Ranking Member of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis - Rep. Cox Urges Select Climate Committee to Prioritize Support for Agriculture Efforts in Central Valley to Address Climate Change Impact
05/26/2020 Letter to the Hon. Adam Smith and the Hon. Mac Thornberry, Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee - Bipartisan Lawmakers Call for Strong PFAS Clean-up Actions in Defense Authorization Bill
05/11/2020 Letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer - Fitzpatrick Joins Over 100 Legislators in Bipartisan Call for Economic Relief for Outdoor Recreation Industry
04/22/2020 Letter to EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler - Rush & 83 House Democrats Demand EPA Protect Low-Income, Minority Communities Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
01/08/2020 Letter to Peter Gaynor, Acting Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency - Reps. Huffman, Thompson, California Colleagues Demand FEMA Change Course in Wildfire Claim
11/20/2019 Letter to Andrew Wheeler, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator - Tonko, Kuster, Pallone lead 220+ Members Calling on EPA to Negotiate in Good Faith
11/18/2019 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and Nita Lowey, Chair of the Appropriations Committee - Congressman Joe Neguse Leads Letter Requesting Full LWCF Funding in FY2020 Budget
10/30/2019 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Hon. Steny H. Hoyer, Majority Leader of the House of Representatives - More than 160 Members Urge House Democratic Leadership to Prioritize Clean Energy Tax Policies
10/07/2019 Letter to Hon. Andrew Wheeler, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator - Rep. Mike Levin Leads California Democratic Congressional Delegation Letter Expressing Opposition to Politically-Motivated Attacks on State
09/09/2019 Letter to the Hon. Adam Smith, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, the Hon. James M. Inhoffe, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Hon. Mac Thornberry, Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, the Hon. Jack Reed, Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee - Combating PFAS contamination
09/06/2019 Letter to Gavin Newsom, Governor of California - Harder Joins Central Valley Coalition in Urging Amendments to SB1
09/04/2019 Letter to Donald Trump, President of the United States - Thompson, 43 California Representatives Condemn Administration Plan to Divert Disaster Relief Funding
06/07/2019 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Kevin McCarthy, Richard Neal, and Kevin Brady - DeLauro Leads Colleagues in Call for Immediate Extension of Biodiesel Tax Incentive
05/10/2019 Letter to EPA Administrator Wheeler - U.S. Reps. Castor, Schrier & Colleagues Oppose Undermining Protections Against Mercury Pollution