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Jason Smith's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (MO) - District 8

Date Title
12/13/2023 Chairman Smith Statement on Vote to Formally Launch an Impeachment Inquiry into President Joe Biden
01/06/2021 37 Republican Members Release Statement Ahead of Electoral College Vote
10/02/2020 Reacting to Presidential News
02/07/2020 Weekly Capitol Report: Impeachment Circus Finally Leaves Town
01/31/2020 Weekly Capitol Report: A Resilient Address to the Nation
01/24/2020 Weekly Capitol Report: Three Years
01/17/2020 Weekly Capitol Report: Jury of Political Opponents
12/18/2019 Smith Defends President Trump from Left's "Blind Hatred"
12/05/2019 Smith Calls for Senate Presidential Candidates to Recuse Themselves from Impeachment Proceedings
09/06/2017 Smith Stops Federal Funds for Sanctuary Cities
06/02/2017 U.S. Rep Smith on Disaster Declaration
05/04/2017 Statement from U.S. Congressman Jason Smith
01/31/2017 Congressman Jason Smith's Statement on Nomination of Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court
11/18/2016 Weekly Capitol Report - Stopping A Lame Duck President
05/12/2016 Rep. Jason Smith's Statement On House v. Burwell Decision
01/05/2016 Congressman Jason Smith's Statement on New Presidential Executive Actions
07/31/2015 Capitol Report: Reining in Out-of-Control Agencies
05/29/2015 Capitol Report: Defending the Rule of Law
01/21/2015 Congressman Jason Smith Responds to State of the Union Address
11/21/2014 Congressman Jason Smith Statement on the President's Unconstitutional Executive Overreach on Immigration
08/01/2014 Newsletter: Separation of Powers
04/11/2014 Capitol Report: Holding the Executive Branch Accountable
03/14/2014 Capitol Report: Reining In Executive Overreach
02/03/2014 Capitol Report: Obama State of the Union Ignores Congress
01/28/2014 Statement on President Obama's State of the Union Address 2014