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Alex Padilla's Public Statements on Issue: Agriculture and Food

Date Title
07/22/2022 Letter to Martha Williams, Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service - Booker Leads Colleagues in Calling for Ban of Agricultural Pesticides on National Wildlife Refuges
06/28/2022 Letter to Thomas Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - Help California Farmers Harmed by Shipping Delays
05/18/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - King Calls for National Strategy, Director to Address Baby Formula Shortage
05/13/2022 Letter to Mardi Mountford, President of the Infant Nutrition Council of America - Warner, Kaine, Colleagues Push Infant Formula Manufacturers to Address Shortages and Get Formula on Shelves
04/28/2022 Letter to Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - Senator Murray Joins Colleagues in Push to Expand Federal Purchasing of West Coast and Pacific Northwest Seafood
04/28/2022 Letter to Thomas Vilsack, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture - Merkley, Wyden, Bonamici Push to Extend Federal Purchasing of West Coast Seafood
03/03/2022 Letter to Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - Warner & Kaine Urge Changes to SNAP Benefits Guidance to Address Food Insecurity among Students
02/09/2022 Letter to Hon. Patrick Leahy, Chairman of Senate Appropriations Committee, Hon. Richard Shelby, Ranking Member of Senate Appropriations Committee, Hon. Rosa DeLauro, Chair of the House Committee on Appropriations, and Hon. Kay Granger, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Appropriations - Velázquez, Gillibrand Push for $ 1 Billion in Critical Supplemental Nutrition Assistance for Puerto Rico in FY 22 Funding Package
02/08/2022 Letter to Tom Vilsack, Secretary Agriculture - Harder & California Delegation Lead Letter Ensuring the State Receives Fair Share of Wildfire Funding
11/17/2021 Letter to Hon. Jack Reed, Chairman Senate Armed Services Committee; Hon. James Inhofe, Ranking Member Committee on Armed Services; Hon. Adam Smith Chairman Committee on Armed Services; Hon. Mike Rogers, Ranking Member Committee on Armed Services - DUCKWORTH, PANETTA TO LEADERSHIP: ADDRESS MILITARY HUNGER IN NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT
05/27/2021 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, Charles Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader, and Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader - In Bicameral Letter, Pingree, Spanberger, Heinrich, Booker Lead Call for Investment in Agriculture as a Climate Solution
05/11/2021 Letter to Hon. Thomas J. Vilsack, US Secretary of Agriculture and Hon. Merrick Garland, US Attorney General - Senators, Representatives Call on Biden Administration to Withdraw from Proposition 12 Challenges
02/17/2021 Letter to Jeff Zients, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator - Booker Leads Senators in Urging Biden Administration to Ensure Vaccine Access for Farm and Food Chain Workers