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Jared Huffman's Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 2

Date Title
09/29/2023 Ranking Members Grijalva, Huffman, Ocasio-Cortez React to New 5-Year Offshore Oil & Gas Leasing Plan
02/04/2021 Senator Markey and Rep. Huffman Re-Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
05/04/2020 Casten Leads Letter to Mitigate Risk To Financial System and Consumers As Oil and Gas Markets Face Turmoil
12/18/2019 Kuster Introduces Bill to Protect Landowners Facing Eminent Domain for Pipeline Construction
10/29/2019 Kuster, Watson Coleman, Malinowski, Quigley, Huffman Introduce Legislation to Protect Conservation Land from Pipeline Development
09/25/2019 Bonamici Leads Colleagues in Resolution Recognizing Need to Take Action on Climate after Dire IPCC Ocean and Cryosphere Report
09/12/2019 U.S. House Approves Rep. Huffman's Bipartisan Bill to Block Oil and Gas Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
04/22/2019 On Earth Day, Rep. Huffman Introduces Bill to Clean Up Postal Service Trucks
03/28/2019 Reps. Huffman, Cunningham Introduce Bipartisan Bicoastal Offshore Drilling Ban
04/04/2017 Reps. Huffman, Fitzpatrick, Gallego, & LoBiondo Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
03/27/2017 Town Halls & More
01/25/2017 Rep. Huffman Speaks Out Against President Trump's Move to Revive Keystone XL & Dakota Access Pipeline
11/28/2016 Reps. Huffman, Grijalva Demand Accountability for Brutal Law Enforcement Tactics at DAPL
11/28/2016 Reps. Huffman, Grijalva Demand Accountability for Brutal Law Enforcement Tactics at DAPL
01/15/2016 Rep. Huffman Statement on President Obama's Suspension of New Coal Leases on Public Lands
06/22/2015 California Members Introduce Offshore Oil and Gas Worker Whistleblower Protection Act
06/25/2013 Huffman Statement on President Obama's Climate Action Plan