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Chris Van Hollen, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Campaign Finance

Date Title
07/30/2019 Cortez Masto cosponsors Constitutional Amendment to reverse Citizens United, get big money out of public elections
01/21/2016 Van Hollen Statement on Anniversary of Citizens United
07/22/2015 Van Hollen Applauds Senate Introduction of the Stop Super PAC-Candidate Coordination Act
01/21/2015 Van Hollen Reintroduces DISCLOSE Act
12/06/2013 Van Hollen: IRS Lawsuit Unnecessary with New 501(c)4 Regulations
07/26/2013 Van Hollen, Price File Brief in McCutcheon v. FEC, Urge Court to Support Government's Ability to Regulate Political Contributions
01/03/2013 Van Hollen Reintroduces DISCLOSE Act
07/16/2012 Van Hollen: Senate Republicans Stood with Special Interests to Block DISCLOSE Act
07/12/2012 Van Hollen Announces New Efforts on the DISCLOSE Act
04/23/2012 House Democrats Urge GOP to Hold DISCLOSE Act Hearing: Post Video of Campaign Finance Forum
03/30/2012 Van Hollen Applauds Court Decision on Disclosure
02/09/2012 Van Hollen, House Democrats Introduce DISCLOSE 2012 Act
12/15/2011 Van Hollen Statement on FEC Decision
01/21/2011 Van Hollen Statement on the One-Year Anniversary of the Citizens United Ruling
07/27/2010 Van Hollen Condemns GOP Obstruction of Senate Vote on DISCLOSE Act
06/29/2010 Van Hollen Applauds Supreme Court's Ruling in RNC v. FEC
06/24/2010 Van Hollen Statement on Passage of the DISCLOSE Act
06/22/2010 Van Hollen Statement on Senate Leaders' Commitment to Act on DISCLOSE
06/15/2010 Van Hollen Statement on DISCLOSE Act Progress
05/20/2010 Van Hollen Applauds Committee Passage of the DISCLOSE Act