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Jan Schakowsky's Public Statements on Issue: Taxes


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (IL) - District 9

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Date Title
11/19/2021 Schakowsky Statement on the Passage of the Build Back Better Act
02/27/2021 Schakowsky Statement on Passage of American Rescue Plan
01/29/2019 Schakowsky, Veasey and Boyle Introduced Patriot Employer Act
01/29/2019 Boyle, Schakowsky And Veasey Introduce Patriot Employer Act
06/22/2018 Hoyer, Pelosi, Schakowsky, Ruiz, and McEachin Join Americans Impacted by GOP Tax Scam to Mark Six-Month Anniversary of Its Enactment
04/17/2018 Schakowsky Statement on Tax Day 2018
12/19/2017 Schakowsky statement on House Passage of the GOP Tax Scam
11/16/2017 GOP Tax Scam Spells Disaster for Seniors and People with Disabilities
11/16/2017 Schakowsky statement on House passage of the GOP tax scam
11/02/2017 Schakowsky statement on the GOP tax scam
10/03/2017 Schakowsky, Boyle, and Veasey introduce the Patriot Employer Act
09/27/2017 Schakowsky statement on the "cruel," "disgusting" GOP tax plan
04/26/2017 Schakowsky Statement on President Trump's Tax Proposal
01/26/2017 Schakowsky Introduces Fairness in Taxation Act
11/25/2015 Schakowsky Statement on Proposed Pfizer-Allergan Merger
06/09/2015 Supporting Good American Jobs
04/18/2015 The Federal Budget, Storm Response and More
01/21/2015 Schakowsky Reaction to the President's State of the Union Address
09/23/2014 Schakowsky Statement on Administration's New Measures to Combat Corporate Inversions
08/06/2014 Statement on Walgreens Decision to Keep Its Headquarters in the United States
07/16/2014 House Democrats Unveil Plan for a Middle Class Jumpstart
03/04/2014 Schakowsky Statement on the President's Budget
01/02/2013 Rep. Schakowsky Applauds Deal to Avert "Cliff," Says There Are Still More Battles to Come
12/18/2012 Schakowsky Statement Against Social Security Benefit Cuts Through Chained CPI
12/04/2012 Schakowsky Statement on Democratic Discharge Petition to Extend Middle Class Tax Cuts

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