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Jan Schakowsky's Public Statements on Issue: Elections


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (IL) - District 9

Date Title
01/13/2022 Schakowsky Votes to Advance Voting Rights Bill to the Senate
07/30/2020 Schakowsky Statement on Trump Election Tweet
12/06/2019 Congresswoman Schakowsky's Statement on Passage of The Voting Rights Advancement Act
10/18/2019 Schakowsky, Johnson, Jayapal and Pocan Issue Statement on Honduras
03/08/2019 Schakowsky Statement on Passage of H.R. 1 - The For The People Act
06/11/2018 Schakowsky Statement On The Supreme Court's Assault On Voting Rights
07/11/2017 Schakowsky statement on Donald Trump Jr's "love' for Russia
05/17/2017 Schakowsky statement on the appointment of a special counsel
05/16/2017 Schakowsky Statement on reports that President Trump asked FBI Director Comey to end his investigation into Michael Flynn
05/11/2017 Schakowsky statement on President Trump's Latest Diversionary Tactic
05/10/2017 Schakowsky Statement on President Trump firing FBI Director James Comey
04/06/2017 Schakowsky statement on Devin Nunes' recusal from Russia probe
03/02/2017 Schakowsky calls for Jeff Sessions' resignation
02/14/2017 Schakowsky calls for further investigations following Gen. Flynn's resignation
12/12/2016 Schakowsky Applauds Bipartisan Calls for Investigation into Russian Hacking
03/07/2015 The Pilgrimage in Selma to Mark the 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act: An Opportunity to Look Back and Forward
01/21/2015 Schakowsky Statement on the 5th Anniversary of Supreme Court's Citizens United Decision
04/03/2014 Statement on Supreme Court's Ruling in McCutcheon v FEC
06/25/2013 Statement on Supreme Court's Decision on the Voting Rights Act
01/18/2013 Statement on the Supreme Court's Ruling on Citizens United