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Jan Schakowsky's Public Statements on Issue: Defense


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (IL) - District 9

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Date Title
12/08/2021 Schakowsky Statement After Voting Against Defense Spending Bill
09/24/2021 Schakowsky Statement on Her Vote Against the National Defense Authorization Act
08/26/2021 Schakowsky Statement On Bombing At Kabul Airport
07/21/2020 House Passes Two Amendments Offered by Schakowsky to Defense Authorization Bill
05/25/2020 Schakowsky Statement on Memorial Day
02/04/2020 Schakowsky Responds to the President's State of the Union
01/30/2020 Schakowsky Statement on House Passage of the "No War Against Iran Act"
01/30/2020 Schakowsky Statement on House Vote to Repeal the 2002 Iraq AUMF Resolution
12/11/2019 Schakowsky Statement on Passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
10/29/2019 Statement on Passage of the Protect Against Conflict by Turkey Act
10/16/2019 Statement on Passage of Bipartisan, Bicameral, Resolution Condemning President Trump's Abandonment of the Syrian Kurds
07/16/2019 As Administration Escalates Tensions with Iran, Reps. Lee, Price, and Schakowsky Introduce Resolution for U.S. Re-entry into Iran Nuclear Agreement
07/12/2019 House Passes the National Defense Authorization Act
07/12/2019 House Passes Schakowsky Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act Providing Oversight of Private Security Contractors
02/14/2019 Schakowsky Statement on the Passage of the Yemen War Powers Resolution
09/06/2018 HASC Ranking Member Adam Smith, Rep. Ro Khanna, CPC Co-Chair Mark Pocan announce plan to introduce a War Powers Resolution to withdraw U.S. forces from the war in Yemen
04/07/2017 Schakowsky statement on Trump Administration's reaction to Syrian chemical weapons attack.
06/29/2016 Schakowsky Statement on Republican Benghazi Report
05/19/2016 Schakowsky Statement In Opposition to the National Defense Authorization Act
01/16/2016 Schakowsky Statement on Iran Deal Implementation and Release of American Hostages
11/16/2015 Schakowsky Statement on Paris Terror Attacks
12/04/2014 Schakowsky Statement on "No" Vote on FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act
11/24/2014 Schakowsky Statement on Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel's Resignation
10/23/2014 Schakowsky Statement on Blackwater Guilty Verdict
09/11/2014 Schakowsky Statement in Response to President's Speech on ISIS

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