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Jan Schakowsky's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (IL) - District 9

Date Title
10/13/2021 Statement from Representative Adriano Espaillat in Support of his Resolution Honoring the Dominican-American Heritage and Culture of New York's 13th Congressional District
03/18/2021 Schakowsky Votes to Pass the American Dream and Promise Act
07/15/2020 Representatives García, Schakowsky and Quigley Take Steps to Prevent ICE from Launching Citizen Academy Program
07/23/2018 Members of Congress Return From Visit to Detention Center, Border Patrol Processing Center & Port of Entry in Texas
06/20/2018 House Democrats, Immigration Advocates Demand the Trump Administration End Family Separation
02/02/2017 House Delegation Introduces Freedom Of Religion Act In Response To President Trump's Muslim Ban
05/11/2016 House Delegation Introduces Religious Freedom Bill
02/26/2016 Schakowsky, Quigley, Gutierrez Introduce Fair Day in Court for Kids Act
12/09/2015 Schakowsky Votes Against Unnecessary Restrictions to the Visa Waiver Program
05/26/2015 Schakowsky Statement on Immigration Ruling
04/07/2015 Schakowsky Joins 180 House Democrats in Filing Brief in Support of the Obama Administration's Immigration Executive Actions
11/22/2011 Members of Congress Sign Amicus Brief in Support of DOJ Lawsuit Against HB 5639
06/29/2011 Grijalva Joined By Broad Cross-Section of Members of Congress In Praising Yesterday's First Ever Senate Hearing on The DREAM Act
05/17/2007 Schakowsky Introduces VAWA Immigrant Victims Act of 2007
05/01/2007 Schakowsky Urges Congress to Pass Sensible, Responsible and Comprehensive Immigration Reform