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Jan Schakowsky's Public Statements on Issue: Women


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (IL) - District 9

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Date Title
07/26/2018 Letter to President Donald Trump - Jayapal Leads Colleagues in Demanding Trump Stop Selling Out Breastfeeding Mothers
07/12/2018 Letter to Governor Rauner - Racial Disparities In Maternal & Infant Health Outcomes in Illinois
05/18/2018 Chairman Crowley, Pro-Choice Leaders Issue Joint Statement on President Trump's Title X Domestic Gag Rule
05/15/2018 Letter to the Hon. Alexander Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Chairman Crowley, Sens. Warren, Murray, and Hassan and Reps. Barbara Lee and Nita Lowey Oppose Title X Domestic Gag Rule
04/18/2018 Pro-Choice Leaders in the House: Republicans Must Stop Undermining Title X & TPPP
03/08/2018 Medium - This International Women's Day, we must #PressForProgress
02/16/2018 Schakowsky Reintroduces the International Violence Against Women Act
02/12/2018 Schakowsky Slams Anti-abortion Extremists Drafting Policy for the Trump Administration
12/22/2017 Letter to the Hon. Bob Goodlatte, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and the Hon. Jerrold Nadler, Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee - Pro-Choice Leaders Call on Judiciary Committee to Subpoena Witnesses in Case of Abortion-Seeking Teen
12/08/2017 Schakowsky, DeGette Respond to Republicans Launching Yet Another Witch Hunt
11/09/2017 Letter to the Hon. Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States - Grijalva and Bass: Mistreatment of Pregnant Women in Prison and Detention Facilities Must Be Addressed
10/31/2017 Letter to the Hon. Elaine Duke, DHS Acting Secretary - Congress Demand Answers on Reports of Increased Detention of Pregnant Women
10/26/2017 Letter to the Hon. Steven Mnuchin, the Hon. Alexander Acosta, and the Hon. Eric Hargan - Reverse Birth Control Access Rollback
10/18/2017 Schakowsky's Women, Peace, and Security Act is signed into law
10/06/2017 Schakowsky Statement on President Trump Ending the Birth Control Mandate
09/25/2017 Women, Peace, and Security Act of 2017
09/25/2017 Schakowsky Praises House and Senate Passage of the Women, Peace and Security Act
09/19/2017 Letter to the Hon. Neomi Rao, Administrator of the Office of Management and Budget and the Hon. Victoria Lipnic, Acting Chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - Congress Members Slam President Trump's Attack on Equal Pay for Equal Work
09/08/2017 Schakowsky Statement on Betsy Devos' announcement on Title IX
07/25/2017 Letter to the Hon. Thomas E. Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Cuts to Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
07/18/2017 Letter to President Donald Trump - Congressional Women Call on Trump to Keep the White House Council on Women and Girls
06/22/2017 Schakowsky statement on Senate Republican bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act
05/31/2017 Schakowsky slams Trump Administration's intent to sabotage the ACA by weakening coverage for women
05/17/2017 Schakowsky, Noem, Royce, and Engel Introduce Legislation to Ensure Women Have Role in Peace Negotiations
04/13/2017 Schakowsky statement on President Trump signing away women's healthcare choices

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