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Jan Schakowsky's Public Statements on Issue: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (IL) - District 9

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Date Title
06/07/2021 Schakowsky Statement Recognizing Pride Month
02/25/2021 Schakowsky Statement on Passage of the Equality Act
06/19/2020 Schakowsky Statement Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride Month
05/17/2019 Congresswoman Schakowsky's Statement on the Passage of the Equality Act
01/22/2019 Schakowsky Statement on SCOTUS Decision Allowing Transgender Military Ban
09/26/2018 Schakowsky Statement on Trump's Shameful Public Charge Rule Change
07/26/2017 Schakowsky Statement on President Trump's Reckless, Transphobic Tweets
05/02/2017 Schakowsky Statement on the Equality Act
03/06/2015 Brief of 167 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 44 U.S. Senators as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners
10/06/2014 Schakowsky Statement on Supreme Court's Decision Not to Consider Appeals on Marriage Equality Cases
07/21/2014 Statement on President Obama's Signing of Executive Order Banning Federal Contractors From Engaging in Workplace Discrimination Against LGBT Individuals
07/02/2014 Schakowsky Marks the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act
06/20/2014 Statement on President Obama's Extension of Additional Benefits to Same-Sex Couples
06/17/2014 Statement on President Obama's Executive Order Banning Workplace Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientatio
06/01/2014 Schakowsky Marks the Official Beginning of Marriage Equality in Illinois
02/11/2014 Statement on Department of Justice's New Policy on Same-Sex Couples
11/05/2013 Rep. Schakowsky Strongly Supports Illinois General Assembly's Passage of Marriage Equality
07/04/2013 Statement on Independence Day
06/26/2013 Statement on the Supreme Court's Decision on the Defense of Marriage Act
10/18/2012 Schakowsky Statement on Appeals Court Ruling DOMA Unconstitutional
05/30/2012 Schakowsky Statement on Lambda Legal Marriage Equality Lawsuit
05/09/2012 Schakowsky Statement on Marriage Equality
09/27/2011 Letter to Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Homeland Security and Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General
01/13/2011 The Close of an Extremely Productive 111th Congress
12/01/2010 Schakowsky's Statement on Passage of Civil Unions in Illinois

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