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Jan Schakowsky's Public Statements on Issue: Minors and Children


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (IL) - District 9

Date Title
11/19/2021 Schakowsky Statement on the Passage of the Build Back Better Act
05/19/2020 Schakowsky and Pressley Statement on Johnson & Johnson Decision to Discontinue Talc-Based Johnson's Baby Powder in U.S. And Canada
05/14/2020 Congressional Leaders Call on Facebook and Craigslist to Stop Allowing Sales of Dangerous Infant Sleepers
07/01/2019 Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Stop Hot Car Deaths
06/13/2019 Van Hollen, Duckworth, Introduce Legislation to Protect Infants from Deadly "Crib Bumpers"
05/23/2019 Sens. Wicker, Blumenthal, Cantwell, Reps. Schakowsky, Ryan, King Announce Legislation on Reducing Hot Car Tragedies
04/11/2019 Schakowsky Calls on Mattel to Recall Dangerous Infant Sleeper
11/03/2017 Schakowsky statement on the Republican CHIP Legislation
09/05/2017 Schakowsky Statement on President Trump's Decision to end the DACA Program
07/12/2017 Chairman Crowley and Rep. Schakowsky Call on Federal Government Agencies to Expand Outreach Efforts on Safe Sleeping After New York Infant Deaths
06/28/2016 CPSC and IKEA Announce a Recall to Prevent Future Injuries and Deaths from Tip-overs of Malm Dresser
06/09/2016 Casey, Klobuchar, Blumenthal Introduce Legislation Protecting Children From Tipping Furniture
07/20/2015 Schakowsky Raises Awareness About Summer Meals Programs
02/06/2015 Schakowsky Statement on the Measles Outbreak
12/17/2014 Schakowsky Statement on Massacre at Pakistan School
09/05/2014 E-Newsletter: Back to School and Improved Care
08/01/2014 Schakowsky: Republicans Fail to Address Border Problems, Betray and Target Young "DREAMers"
07/10/2014 E-Newsletter: Student Loans and Child Hunger
06/30/2014 Statement on Tragic Deaths of Kidnapped Israeli Teenagers
06/19/2014 Statement on the abduction of three Israeli teenagers
06/15/2012 Schakowsky Statement on Obama Administration Action to Protect Young Immigrants
04/30/2012 Statement to Recognize Students at McCracken Middle School Fighting for Children's Rights
02/11/2011 Schakowsky Blasts Announcement of Republican Spending Cuts
04/30/2010 Schakowsky's Statement On Recent Drop Side Crib Recall
06/06/2007 Schakowsky Statement in Support of the Danny Keysar Child Product Safety Notification Act