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Donna Edwards' Public Statements on Issue: Technology and Communication

Date Title
07/13/2015 Norton Introduces Bill with National Capital Region House Members to Provide Free Lifetime Identity Theft Protection Coverage to 22 Million Current, Former and Prospective Federal Employees Affected by OPM Data Breaches
07/13/2015 Norton Introduces Bill with National Capital Region House Members to Provide Free Lifetime Identity Theft Protection Coverage to 22 Million Current, Former and Prospective Federal Employees Affected by OPM Data Breaches
12/05/2014 Ranking Members Johnson and Edwards Applaud NASA's Successful EFT-1 Test of the Orion Exploration Crew Vehicle
09/29/2014 Maryland Community College Consortium Secures Nearly $15 Million Department of Labor Workforce Training Grant
04/28/2014 Committee Marks Up NASA Reauthorization
09/27/2012 Reps. Edwards, Eshoo, Markey: Hacking Threats to Implantable Medical Devices Call for Improved FDA Oversight
08/02/2012 Science Democrats Examine Suborbital Space Industry's Request for "Learning Period" Before Federal Safety Rules Are Imposed
04/19/2012 Subcommittee Examines the Impending Spectrum Crunch
11/02/2011 GAO Points to Progress on Helium-3 Alternatives For Science & Homeland Security Applications
07/28/2011 Committee Democrats Oppose H.R. 2484, Cite Unfunded Mandates
05/12/2011 Maryland Delegation Hosts MD DBED Secretary, Federal Facilities Advisory Board
09/29/2010 Congresswoman Edwards Votes Against NASA Reauthorization
09/24/2010 Congresswoman Edwards Introduces 21st Century Investment Act to Increase Research and Development and Domestic Manufacturing Tax Credits to Help Grow Economy and Create Jobs
09/08/2010 Congresswoman Edwards: President's Proposal to Make R&D Tax-Credit Permanent will Enhance Domestic Production and Create High-Wage American Jobs
07/14/2010 Congresswoman Edwards Votes to Increase Standard of Living and Efficiency for Federal Employees
05/27/2010 Congresswoman Edwards Questions NASA Administrator Bolden on NASA's FY 2011 Budget and the Human Spaceflight Plan
02/04/2010 Congresswoman Edwards' Amendment Adopted, Votes To Strengthen Cybersecurity Research And Development
10/22/2009 Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards Applauds FCC's Decision To Seek Public Opinion On Preserving A Free & Open Internet
09/21/2009 Congresswoman Edwards Salutes FCC's Decision To Move Forward On Network Neutrality