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Kirsten Gillibrand's Public Statements on Issue: Higher Education


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic, Working Families for U.S. Senate (NY) - Jr

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Date Title
07/09/2020 Letter to Matthew T. Albence, Deputy Director of the US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Chad F. Wolf, Acting Secreatry of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Pressley, Lawmakers Urge ICE and DHS to Immediately Withdraw New Guidance that Threatens International Students with Deportation
07/09/2020 Letter to Matthew Albence, Acting Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security - House and Senate Democrats Urge ICE and DHS to Immediately Withdraw New Guidance that Threatens International Students with Deportation
06/11/2020 Schumer, Gillibrand announce nearly $200K in funding for Cornell University's Division of Social and Economic Sciences
06/03/2020 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the Dept. of Education - Murray, Democratic Senators Urge DeVos to Rescind Harmful Title IX Rule and Focus on Student Safety
04/06/2020 Letter to Bruce Van Saun, Chairman and CEO of Citizens Financial Group, Joseph DePaulo, CEO of College Avenue Student Loans, LLC, Roger Hochschild, President and CEO of Discover Financial Services, Raymond Bayer, Executive Director & CEO of Higher Education Loan Authority of the State of Missouri, Vince Passione, CEO of LendKey, John Remondi, CEO of Navient Corporation, James Steeley, CEO of Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, William Demchak, CEO of the PNC Financial Services Group, Inc., Steve Kohles, President of the Reunion Student Loan Finance Corporation, Raymond Quinlan, Chairman & CEO of the SLM Corporation, Anthony Noto, CEO of Social Finance, Inc., William Rogers, President & CEO of Truist Financial Corporation, Charles Scharf, President & CEO of Wells Fargo & Co. - Durbin, Democratic Colleagues Urge Student Loan Companies To Immediately Provide Relief To Private Student Loan Borrowers During The COVID-19 Pandemic
04/02/2020 Letter to Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Kevin McCarthy - Merkley, Colleagues Continue Fight to Ensure All Students Can Continue Education Online During Coronavirus Pandemic
03/21/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, and the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - Durbin, Duckworth, Colleagues Urge Congressional Negotiators To Cancel Student Loan Payments And Debt In COVID-19 Response Package
03/10/2020 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the U.S. Education Department - Durbin, Colleagues Push DeVos To Issue Clear Guidance On Coronavirus For Schools And Families Following Widespread School Closures
01/15/2020 Letter to Roxanne Rothschild, Executive Secretary of the National Labor Relations Board - Warren joins Murray, Colleagues in Denouncing NLRB Proposal to Strip Students Employed by Private Universities of Workplace Rights
11/04/2019 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader of the United States Senate, Letter to the Hon. Charles Schumer, Minority Leader of the United States Senate - Senator Warren Joins Senate Colleagues in New Push to Renew Funding for Minority-Serving Institutions of Higher Education
09/05/2019 As students head back to school, Schumer rings the bell on intensifying teacher shortage in Rochester-Finger Lakes region threatening to restrict schools & impede access to quality education; senator launches major two-pronged plan to boost teacher recruitment in Monroe county
08/05/2019 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education in the Department of Education - Cortez Masto, Colleagues Urge Secretary Devos to Fulfill Her Responsibility and Help Students Impacted by Sudden Closures of For-Profit Colleges
06/20/2019 Letter to David Coleman, President and CEO of the College Board - Murphy, Blumenthal, Senators to College Board: You're Underestimating the True Costs of College
06/18/2019 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education - Durbin, Murray, Dem Senators Seek Status Of Group Discharge Applications Submitted By State AG's
06/14/2019 Letter to David Coleman, CEO of The College Board - Harris, Colleagues to College Board: You're Underestimating the True Costs of College
06/13/2019 Merkley, Booker, Gillibrand Introduce Legislation to Ensure that Student Loan Borrowers Can Refinance at The Same Low Rate Big Banks Get
05/16/2019 Letter to Various Student Loan Companies - Senators Warren and Brown Lead Colleagues Questioning Student Loan Companies on their Non-Cooperation with Federal and State Regulators
05/16/2019 Letter to the Hon. Patrick Shanahan, Acting Secretary of Defense - Senators Warren and Murray Lead Colleagues Expressing Support for Agreement That Will Help Military Borrowers Receive the Zero Interest Student Loan Benefit They Are Owed
05/16/2019 Menendez Joins Colleagues in Introducing Bill Aimed to Reduce Bullying and Harassment at Colleges Across the Country
04/15/2019 Warren Joins Gillibrand, Kaine, Colleagues to Introduce New Legislation to Overhaul Flawed Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program
04/05/2019 Letter to the Hon. Kathleen Kraninger, Director of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau - Senators Warren, Brown, and Colleagues Question CFPB's Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program Oversight Failure
04/02/2019 Gillibrand, Grassley Lead Bipartisan Coalition Of Senators To Reintroduce Legislation To Combat Sexual Assault On College Campuses, Strengthen Accountability And Transparency For Institutions
04/02/2019 Bipartisan Gillibrand-Grassley-Reed Bill Targets Sexual Assault on College Campuses
03/15/2019 Gillibrand, Toomey Introduce New Bipartisan Legislation To Expand Federal-Work Study Program To Let Students Get A Full-Time Job Experience In Their Field Of Study While In School
03/15/2019 Toomey, Gillibrand Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Allow On-The-Job Experience in Federal Work Study Program

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