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Phil Roe's Public Statements on Issue: Reproduction

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Date Title
01/14/2020 Roe Advocates for Religious Protections in Legislation
05/02/2019 Roe Applauds Final Conscience Rule by Trump Administration
04/02/2019 Roe Statement on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act
04/01/2019 Harris, 80 Members of the House of Representatives Introduce the Conscience Protection Act
04/04/2018 Standing For Life, Securing Our Border and Supporting Our President
01/17/2018 Defending the Sanctity of Life
10/04/2017 Life is Valuable
04/13/2017 Roe Statement on President Trump Signing H.J.Res 43 Into Law
01/25/2017 Standing for Life
07/13/2016 Roe Supports Conscience Protection Act
01/27/2016 Protecting Life
10/07/2015 Roe Votes to Establish Select Committee to Investigate Planned Parenthood
10/01/2015 Weekly Columns: Taxpayers Deserve a Fair and Thoughtful Investigation of Planned Parenthood
09/30/2015 Roe Opposes Bill Including Funding for Planned Parenthood
09/23/2015 Weekly Columns: Stopping Planned Parenthood's Appalling Activity
09/09/2015 Weekly Columns This Week in Washington
07/29/2015 Weekly Columns Planned Parenthood Funding Should Be Halted
01/21/2015 Weekly Column: Roe: I Have Pledged Myself to Protect Those Without a Voice
01/06/2015 Roe Votes to Send Bill to Repeal Obamacare and Defund Planned Parenthood to the President
06/30/2014 Kline, Roe Applaud Supreme Court Hobby Lobby Decision
01/28/2014 Roe Statement on H.R. 7, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act
05/13/2013 Roe Statement on Gosnell Verdict
01/22/2013 Roe Statement on 40th Anniversary of Roe V. Wade
01/23/2012 Roe Statement at the March for Life Rally
07/15/2010 The President's Executive Order on Taxpayer-Funded Abortions -- Not Worth the Paper it was Secretly Written on

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