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Scott Tipton's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action

Date Title
04/30/2020 Tipton, Perlmutter Spearhead Key PPP Rule Change to Keep Loan Forgiveness Eligibility for Small Businesses
04/24/2020 Tipton Secures PPP Eligibility for Rural Hospitals
04/23/2020 Tipton Votes to Pass Critical PPP Funds, Testifies Before Small Business Committee on Rural Hospital Access to the Program
04/16/2020 Tipton Slams Democrats' Hold-up of PPP Funds as Program Runs Dry
04/03/2020 Tipton to SBA: Expand Paycheck Protection Program to Rural Health Facilities
01/09/2020 Tipton Blasts Governor Polis and CO State Legislature for Loss of Jobs in NW CO
03/17/2017 Tipton Supports Va Hiring Reform To Ensure Quality Care For Colorado's Veterans
07/17/2015 Tipton Attends Meeting with Interior Secretary on Colowyo Mine
06/26/2014 House Passes Tipton's All-of-the-Above Energy Plan in Effort to Lower Gas Prices
01/28/2014 SOTU Reaction: Unleashing Small Business Will Lift Wages and Opportunity
01/28/2014 Tipton Statement on the State of the Union Address
02/12/2013 Tipton Statement on State of the Union
06/01/2012 Tipton Statement on Anemic May Jobs Numbers
09/15/2011 Tipton Statement on the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act
09/09/2011 Hearing of the Agriculture, Energy and Trade Subcommittee of the House Small Business Committee - Are Excessive Energy Regulations and Policies Limiting Energy Independence, Killing Jobs and Increasing Prices for Consumers?
09/08/2011 Congressman Tipton on President Obama's Speech to Joint Session of Congress
07/08/2011 Congressman Scott Tipton's Statement on Announcement of Dismal Jobs Numbers
06/17/2011 Congressman Scott Tipton's Statement on One Year Anniversary of President's 'Recovery Summer'