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Scott Tipton's Public Statements on Issue: Military Personnel

Date Title
06/25/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mark Esper, Secretary of Defense and to the Hon. Barbara Barrett, Secretary of the Air Force - Colorado Congressional Delegation, Governor, Lieutenant Governor Highlight Transformative Legislation for Colorado's Military Families in Letter to Defense Department, Air Force
06/15/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Cheney Leads Letter Calling For U.S. To Rein In China's Nuclear Aggression
05/21/2020 Letter to Steve Mnuchin, Department of the Treasury Secretary, and Jovita Carranza, Small Business Administration Administrator - Congressmen Neguse and Crow Lead Colorado Delegation Letter Calling for Regulatory Flexibility for Veteran Service Organizations
04/29/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Congressman Crow Leads Colorado Delegation in Urging President Trump to Extend Funding to Keep National Guard Deployed in Colorado
03/23/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Colorado Delegation Members Urge President Trump to Approve National Guard Assistance in Colorado to Combat COVID-19 Pandemic
07/22/2015 Letter to the Hon. Ashton Carter, Secretary, U.S. Department of Defense - Allow Service Members To Carry Firearms
08/28/2013 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Consult Congress on Syria
03/27/2012 Letter to Ray LaHood, Secretary of the Department of Transportation
09/13/2011 Letter to Mr. Joseph F. Calcara Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army