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Chellie Pingree's Public Statements on Issue: Defense


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (ME) - District 1

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Date Title
05/16/2022 Maine Congressional Delegation Accepting Military Academy Nomination Applications
05/05/2022 Gorham Student to Attend U.S. Military Academy
04/05/2022 Buxton Student to Attend U.S. Military Academy
03/25/2022 Pingree Helps Form Congress's First Bipartisan Public Shipyard Caucus
03/02/2022 Bowdoin Student to Attend Air Force Academy
01/11/2022 Pingree Votes to Expand Eligibility for GI Bill Benefits
08/16/2021 Congresswoman Pingree Statement on Afghanistan
04/07/2020 Pingree Calls for the Resignation of Acting Navy Secretary Modly
04/03/2020 Governor Mills & Maine Congressional Delegation Renew Call for Defense Department to Protect Workers' Health at BIW & Other Defense Contractors In Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
03/19/2020 Pingree, Golden Urge Department of Defense to Extend Deadlines for BIW
12/11/2019 Pingree Votes For BIW Funding, Paid Parental Leave, Climate Readiness Provisions in FY2020 NDAA Compromise
03/27/2019 Pingree Presses DoD Official With Environmental Oversight For PFAS Drinking Water Standards at Military Installations
12/21/2018 Sens. Collins, King and Rep. Pingree Announce Contract Award to Build Additional Destroyer at Bath Iron Works
05/24/2018 Pingree Votes for House Passage of National Defense Authorization Act
08/21/2017 Pingree Statement on President Trump's Plan to Send More Troops to Afghanistan
07/14/2017 Poliquin, Pingree Secure Amendment in Defense Bill to Ensure BIW Remains On Track to Build Two DDG-51 Ships, After a Provision Had Threated to Derail Them
06/29/2017 Pingree Applauds House Appropriations Committee's Bipartisan Vote to Repeal Post-9/11 Authorization for War
12/07/2016 Pingree applauds $60 million modification for BIW contract
11/06/2015 Keeping National Guard engineering battalion in Maine the right decision
09/30/2015 Pingree, Poliquin Say Provision They Pushed For To Fund Destroyer Included In Defense Bill
12/12/2014 BIW Wins $21 Million Contract for DDG51 Work
09/14/2013 US and Russia Reach Agreement on Chemical Weapons in Syria
09/11/2013 President Gives National Address on Syria
09/10/2013 Statement About Developments in Syria Situation
08/06/2013 Statement on Decision by Navy Not to Repair USS Miami

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