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Carol Shea-Porter's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance

Date Title
05/04/2018 Shea-Porter Statement on One-Year Anniversary of House Vote to Repeal the Affordable Care Act
07/18/2014 Corporations Aren't Peopele-But Women Are
06/30/2014 Shea-Porter Statement on Burwell v. Hobby Lobby
05/01/2014 Shea-Porter Statement on ACA Enrollment Numbers
03/20/2014 Shea-Porter Statement on Minuteman Health's Hospital Network Announcement
03/14/2014 Shea-Porter Statement on H.R. 4015 -- SGR Repeal and Medicare Provider Payment Modernization Act of 2014
03/06/2014 Shea-Porter Votes to Delay Individual Mandate Penalty for One Year
02/06/2014 Shea-Porter on Medicaid Expansion in New Hampshire
01/28/2014 Shea-Porter Statement on H.R. 7
11/15/2013 Shea-Porter Statement on H.R. 3350, the Keep Your Health Plan Act of 2013
11/14/2013 Shea-Porter Statement on Fixes to the Affordable Care Act
11/12/2013 Shea-Porter Announces Support for the Keep Your Health Plan Act of 2013
10/16/2013 Shea-Porter Voices Support for Bipartisan Plan to End Government Shutdown and Avoid U.S. Default
10/09/2013 The Mess in Washington
09/29/2013 Statement: Shea-Porter on House Republican Proposal that would Cause a Government Shutdown
09/27/2013 Carol's Column: Stop the Tea Party Drama in the House
09/20/2013 Statement on the Continuing Resolution that Defunds the Affordable Care Act
09/17/2013 Shea-Porter Welcomes Drop in New Hampshire Health Insurance Rates
07/17/2013 Shea-Porter Statement on H.R. 2667 and H.R. 2668
02/02/2009 Shea-Porter Statement on President Obama Signing SCHIP Bill
07/15/2008 Congresswoman Shea-Porter Statement on Bush Medicare Veto
02/04/2008 Shea-Porter Responds to Bush's Budget Proposal