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Robert Corker's Public Statements on Issue: Housing and Property

Date Title
06/21/2018 Corker Statement on Administration Plan to Wind Down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
06/15/2017 Corker and Warner Express Optimism on Housing Finance Reform
09/22/2016 Corker: Improved Oversight Of Federally Subsidized Housing Properties Needed
03/18/2015 Corker Statement On FHFA Inspector General Report
01/07/2015 Corker: Administration's FHA Decision is "Bad News for Taxpayers"
03/15/2014 Update from Senator Bob Corker
03/11/2014 Statement on Housing Finance Reform Principles Release By Senate Banking Committee
01/31/2014 Corker Statement on Senate Vote to Delay Needed Reforms to National Flood Insurance Program
10/31/2013 Corker: A Technocrat - Not a Politician - Should Lead FHFA
09/28/2013 Update from Senator Bob Corker: September 28, 2013
05/01/2013 Corker Statement on President Obama's Nominee to Lead FHFA
04/02/2013 Corker Says Fannie and Freddie Income No Excuse for Inaction; Housing Finance Reform Still Needed
01/22/2013 Corker Asks Regulators to Simplify, Synchronize Mortgage Lending Rules and Avoid Permanently Keeping Taxpayers on the Hook for Fannie and Freddie
12/30/2012 Corker Votes to Confirm Galante to Head FHA
10/13/2011 Corker Comments on Volcker Rule
05/12/2010 Corker Introduces Revised Underwriting Amendment to Attract More Votes
04/21/2008 Update from U.S. Senator Bob Corker
04/10/2008 Corker Comments on Housing Stimulus Bill
04/02/2008 Corker Comments on Dodd, Shelby Compromise Housing Bill
02/14/2008 Hearing of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee - The State of the United States Economy and Financial Markets
12/14/2007 Corker Supports Bill to Modernize the Federal Housing Administration