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Ted Deutch's Public Statements on Issue: Legal

Date Title
06/08/2021 Letter to the Hon. Merrick Garland, Attorney General - House Judiciary Democrats Urge DOJ to Reverse Position on Trump Defamation Lawsuit
06/04/2020 Letter to William Barr, Attorney General - Schakowsky Calls for Special Prosecutor To Investigate Excessive Force Ordered Against Peaceful Protesters
07/26/2018 Letter to the Hon. Bob Goodlatte, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and the Hon. Edward Royce, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee - Congress Members Demand Hearing on 3-D Printed Guns Settlement
04/19/2018 Letter to Jefferson Sessions, US Attorney General - Restoration Of Legal Assistance Programs For Immigrants
10/26/2015 Letter to Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner of the Social Security Administration and Loretta Lynch, Attoney General - Lawmakers Call on Social Security Administration to Treat Same-Sex Marriages Equally
06/23/2015 Letter to President Barrack Obama - Call for Greater Transparency in Political Spending
01/13/2015 Letter to Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Medicaid Oversight
03/31/2014 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House, Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader, Bob Goodlatte, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee - Voting Rights Act
03/05/2014 Letter to Margaret Hamburg, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration - FDA's Proposed Rule to Protect Consumers of Generic Drugs
12/05/2013 Letter to Director Sylvia Burwell, Office of Management and Budget - Stop Innovation Tax