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Bill Cassidy's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

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Date Title
02/28/2022 Rubio, Cassidy, Rounds Call On Congress to Pass Expediting Natural Gas Exports to Allies Act, Supporting American LNG Exports to Europe While Undermining Russian Influence
02/18/2022 Cassidy Statement on FERC Policy Limiting Access to U.S. Natural Gas
02/08/2022 Cassidy: Within a Year We Went from American Energy Independence to Groveling before OPEC
02/03/2022 Cassidy Announces Opposition to Biden Anti-Energy Federal Reserve Nomination
12/11/2021 Cassidy Discusses Energy Policy in New Orleans
12/01/2021 Cassidy, Energy Committee Republicans Introduce Bill to Bolster Strategic Petroleum Reserve
11/17/2021 Cassidy: Gulf Lease Sale Highlights Significance of Gulf of Mexico to U.S. Energy Security and Climate
08/11/2021 Cassidy Releases Statement on Biden Plea to OPEC to Increase Oil Production
04/20/2021 VIDEO: Cassidy Responds to Democrats Reintroduction of the Green New Deal
01/28/2021 Cassidy, quarter of the Senate, introduce bill to block Biden energy ban
01/27/2021 Cassidy Responds to President Biden's Harmful Energy Executive Orders
01/26/2021 Cassidy Meets with Energy and Interior Secretary Nominees
01/20/2021 Cassidy Statement on Biden Plan to Terminate Keystone XL Pipeline
12/03/2020 Sens. Cruz, Kennedy, Colleagues Introduce Conservation Funding Protection Act
10/21/2020 Cassidy Issues Statement on House Democrats' Latest Assault on Offshore Drilling
04/16/2020 Cassidy to Reintroduce Bill Strengthening Strategic Petroleum Reserve
04/09/2020 In Response to Saudi Aggression, Cassidy to Introduce Bill to Withdraw American Troops, Impose Oil Tariffs
04/02/2020 Kennedy and Cassidy Ask President Trump for Royalty Relief to Save Louisiana Oil and Gas Jobs
02/28/2020 Cassidy Secures 4 Provisions in Bipartisan Senate Energy Package
11/14/2019 Cassidy Introduces Trump's Pick for Energy Secretary at Confirmation Hearing
09/11/2019 Cassidy to Block Democrats' Virtue Signaling War on American Energy Jobs
08/02/2019 Cassidy, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Strengthen Offshore Energy Revenue Sharing
07/16/2019 Cassidy Energy Legislation Passes Committee
07/16/2019 Rubio, Cassidy, Kennedy Bill to Boost LNG Exports Passes Committee
05/23/2019 Cassidy, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Ensure Reliable, Affordable and Environmentally-Sound Energy Supply

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