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Bill Cassidy's Public Statements on Issue: Agriculture and Food

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Date Title
09/11/2023 Ranking Member Cassidy, Colleagues Demand More Information on FDA's Foods Reorganization
12/14/2022 Letter to Katherine Tai, United States Trade Representative, Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - Grassley, Colleagues Urge Biden Administration To Take Action On Mexico's GMO Corn Ban
11/17/2022 Letter to Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - Scott Joins Bipartisan Group Urging USDA to Give Farmers More Time to Comment on New Rule With Major Impact for Chicken Industry
09/09/2022 Letter to Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - Hoeven Leads Colleagues in Pressing Usda to Reject Requests to Undermine Domestic Sugar Policy
07/12/2022 Letter to Doug McKalip, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Agriculture - Sens. Boozman, Scott Urge Biden Nominee for Agricultural Trade Negotiator to Support U.S. Producers
07/12/2022 Letter to Doug McKalip, Senior Advisor, Office of the Secretary U.S. Department of Agriculture - Hoeven, Colleagues Urge USTR Agricultural Negotiator Nominee to Support U.S. Producers
06/10/2022 Letter to Gary Gensler, Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission - Lankford Opposes SEC Overreach, Looks to Protect Agriculture Producers from Unworkable Regulations
05/18/2022 Letter to Robert Califf, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration - Capito, Marshall Demand Fda Explanation on Failures That Caused Baby Formula Shortages
05/11/2022 Letter to Katherine Tai, United States Trade Representative, Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - Sens. Marshall, Moran Urge Biden Administration to Prioritize U.S. Trade and Agriculture Agenda
05/09/2022 Letter to Martha Williams, Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service - Kennedy, Daines urge Biden administration against banning lead ammo and tackle on public lands
04/18/2022 Letter to Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - Kennedy leads members of Louisiana delegation in urging Biden admin to help crawfish farmers
03/16/2022 Letter to Hon. Joseph Biden, President of the United States - Hoeven Urges Administration to Take Immediate Action to Lower Cost of Fertilizer
03/15/2022 Letter to Joseph Biden, President of the United States - Hagerty, Colleagues Call on Biden Administration to Take Action to Lower Record-High Fertilizer Prices
03/15/2022 Letter to Hon. Joseph Biden, President of the United States - Daines Calls on Biden to Reduce High Fertilizer Costs for Montana Farmers, Increase U.S. Oil & Gas Production
03/15/2022 Letter to Hon. Joseph Biden, President of the United States - Tillis Calls on Biden Administration to Take Action to Lower Record-High Fertilizer Prices
12/16/2021 Letter to Hon. Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Hon. Jelena McWilliams, Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Hon. Michael Hsu, Acting Comptroller of the Currency, Hon. Todd Harper, Chairman of the National Credit Union Administration, and Hon. Glen Smith, Chairman of the Farm Credit Administration - As Inflation Soars, Thune, Boozman Lead Colleagues in Standing up for Farmers and Ranchers
11/19/2021 Letter to the Hon. Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - Hagerty, Colleagues Press Usda to Drop Vaccine Mandate for Employees, Ensure Timely Services for Farmers and Ranchers
07/22/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Hoeven Joins Senate GOP Caucus in Urging President Biden Not to Increase Taxes on Farmers and Ranchers
07/22/2021 Letter to Hon. Joe Biden, President of the United States - Senate Republicans Urge Biden to Abandon Plan to Impose Capital Gains Tax on Family-owned Farms and Businesses
06/21/2021 Letter to the Hon. Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture, and the Hon. Katherine Tai, US Trade Representative - Sens. Cruz, Warnock, Tuberville, Colleagues Send Bipartisan Letter in Support of US Peanut Farmers
06/04/2021 Letter to the Hon. Thomas J. Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - Wicker, Coons, Bipartisan Lawmakers Push For Expedited Relief For Chicken Growers
09/18/2020 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture - agCollins Leads Bipartisan Group in Urging USDA to Provide COVID-19 Financial Relief for Loggers, Timber Haulers
08/17/2020 Letter to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue - Capito, Colleagues Urge Flexibility for School Meals
07/24/2020 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture - Sinema Calls for Distribution of Approved Coronavirus Relief Funds to Help Homebound Arizonans Get Food
07/10/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, and the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - Tillis and Warner Lead Bipartisan Push for Cotton and Textile Industry Assistance in Next COVID-19 Relief Package

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