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Bill Cassidy's Public Statements

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Date Title
09/29/2023 Cassidy Pens Op-ed on Biden's Student Loan Schemes, Republican Package to Lower Education Costs and Student Debt
05/31/2023 ICYMI: Cassidy, Grassley Blast Biden's Unfair Student Loan Schemes in Fox News Op-ed
07/19/2022 Improving Maternal Health Care in America
01/24/2022 Cassidy Op-Ed: The Real Price of "Made in China"
01/21/2022 Cassidy Op-Ed: U.S. Needs New Path to Lead on Climate Policy
11/02/2021 The Hill - Biden Sends the Wrong Message on Climate Change
10/06/2021 Roll Call - Shady third-party sellers are running rampant online. It's time for Congress to step in
09/24/2021 CNBC - Cassidy: Infrastructure Bill Helps Working Class Bounce Back After COVID
09/23/2021 The Hill - Cassidy Calls on Biden Administration to Address Dangerous Trade and Security Situation in Haiti
09/17/2021 Daily Advertiser - Cassidy Pens Op-Ed on Investing in Infrastructure Before the Next Hurricane
08/26/2021 Daily Advertiser - President Biden Erased 20 Years of American Accomplishments in Afghanistan
08/10/2021 The Advocate - Bill Cassidy: Louisiana desperately needs an infrastructure boost from Congress
05/17/2021 The Hill - Cassidy Pens Op-Ed on College Transparency Act
04/20/2021 - Mr. President, Recall Your Words on Unity -- and the Filibuster
04/19/2021 - Bill Cassidy: We all want fair elections, but Democrats' new bill doesn't get us there
05/11/2020 CNN - To recover from Covid-19, let's build on US history of citizen-led service
04/16/2020 Daily Caller - Sens. Grassley and Cassidy: An Ounce Of Coronavirus Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure
10/22/2019 National Review - Cassidy, Grassley Op-Ed: A Bipartisan Way To Make Prescription Drugs Affordable
08/14/2019 USA Today - Senators Lankford, Ernst, and Cassidy Op-Ed: Abolishing ICE would worsen child smuggling and other US-Mexico border problems
07/19/2019 The Hill - Finding a Path Forward to End Surprise Medical Billing
06/12/2019 Stat News - How will we pay for the coming generation of potentially curative gene therapies?
05/22/2019 The Advocate - President Donald Trump is creating opportunity for Louisiana workers
03/26/2019 Town Talk - Opioid crisis must be met head on at all levels
03/13/2019 The Washington Times - Defending against intrusions in cyberspace
02/15/2019 The Washington Times - Defending against intrusions in cyberspace

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