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Janice Hahn's Public Statements on Issue: Government Budget and Spending

Date Title
05/12/2016 Congresswoman Hahn Joins McCarthy to Introduce Legislation to Address Housing and Homelessness Crisis in Los Angeles
04/12/2016 Appropriations Committee Includes Congresswoman Hahn's Request for 1.2 Billion Dollars in Port Funding
02/09/2016 Congresswoman Hahn Celebrates Federal Funding for Breakwater Repairs
12/18/2015 Omnibus Passage Guarantees Hahn Port Policy Priorities Will Be Made Law
10/22/2015 Congresswoman Hahn's Amendments to Improve Highway Bill Pass Committee
04/30/2015 Nation's Ports Win Funding Increase as House Passes Congresswoman Hahn's Amendment
03/23/2015 On 5th Anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, Congresswoman Hahn Highlights Benefits for Millions of Californians
03/18/2015 Congressional Progressive Caucus Unveils The People's Budget: A Raise for America
01/20/2015 Congresswoman Hahn Welcomes Councilman Buscaino to Washington for State of the Union
03/12/2014 With 2 Million Americans Cut Off, Hahn Joins Effort to Force House Republicans to Allow a Vote on the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act
09/28/2013 Congresswoman Hahn Issues Statement Opposing the House Republican Amendments to Senate Passed H.J. Res. 59 Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014
06/20/2013 Congresswoman Hahn Takes a Stand, Votes "No' on Cuts to Food Stamps
06/13/2013 Congresswoman Hahn Co-Sponsors Amendment to Fund Port Infrastructure
06/05/2013 Congresswoman Hahn Fights to Save Port Security Grants
05/15/2013 Congresswoman Hahn Tells Army Corps "Get Ready" For Full Spending of Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund
04/27/2012 $100 Million EV Infrastructure Investment Moves Forward
03/29/2012 Rep. Hahn Questions the Moral Value of Republican Budget
03/23/2012 Hahn Highlights Impact of Affordable Care Law
02/17/2012 Hahn Votes to Extend Tax Cuts & Unemployment Benefits
11/16/2011 Hahn Votes for Veterans Jobs Bill
08/29/2011 Congresswoman Hahn Announces Toll-Free Number for Washington, D.C. Office
08/03/2011 Stark, CA Democratic Delegation Oppose Republican Proposal to Slash Transportation Funding
07/19/2011 Hahn Urges Colleagues to Protect Seniors, and Focus on Jobs.
06/21/2011 Hahn Applauds President Obama's Efforts to Begin Bringing Troops Home
04/18/2011 Janice Hahn Announces Plan to Create 25,000 Green Jobs