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Robert Ruhl Simmons' Public Statements

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Date Title
02/16/2006 Castle Sends Letter to Budget Committee with 26 other Republican Members calling for Adequate Funding`
02/15/2006 In Support of the Canine Volunteer Protection Act of 2006
02/07/2006 Letter to Rumsfeld Critical of Proposed National Guard Cutbacks
01/31/2006 Simmons Statement On The Death Of Coretta Scott King
01/27/2006 Simmons Acts To Reform Legislative Earmarks
01/25/2006 Simmons Announces His Opposition To Feb. 1 Budget Bill
01/10/2006 Simmons Continues Independent Streak in Congress
01/05/2006 Simmons Joins McCain, Shays in Support of Lobby Disclosure Legislation
12/19/2005 Berman Co-authors Bipartisan Letter Urging President Bush to Increse Funding for International Affairs Programs
12/17/2005 Simmons Calls for Congressional Inquiries into Reports of NSA Domestic Eavesdropping
12/11/2005 University of Bridgeport honors Rep. Robert Simmons for Leadership in Veterans Health Care at Chiropractic Graduation
12/07/2005 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendment
11/18/2005 Expressing Sense of House that Deployment of Forces in Iraq be Terminated Immediately
11/16/2005 Tancredo Asks President to Visit Taiwan, Push Arms Deal
11/10/2005 Simmons Statement On Today's Decision To Postpone Action On The Budget Deficit Reduction Act
11/08/2005 Simmons Makes Oversight Visit to Transportation Security Intelligence Center
11/03/2005 Honoring Rosa Parks
11/02/2005 Simmons Acts to Protect Student Aid
10/27/2005 Letter to J. Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House
10/27/2005 Disapproving the Recommendations of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission
10/26/2005 Simmons Announces Agreement on Davis-Bacon
10/25/2005 House Transportation Committee to Mark-Up Simmons' Long Island Sound Bill
10/24/2005 Simmons Acts to Protect Connecticut's Middle-Class Taxpayers
10/20/2005 Simmons Votes to Prevent Frivolous Lawsuits
10/17/2005 Simmons Fights to Protect Connecticut's Open Spaces

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