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Elizabeth Esty's Public Statements on Issue: Family

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Date Title
03/16/2015 To Kick Off National Poison Prevention Week, Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty Introduces Bill to Prevent Liquid Nicotine Poisoning
01/01/2015 Issue Position: Equality
12/15/2014 Letter to Sylvia Burwell, Director of Health and Human Services - Protect LGBT Unaccompanied Minors
12/10/2014 Connecticut Wins Competitve Federal Grant to Expand High-Quality Preschool
12/10/2014 Connecticut Wins Competitive Federal Grant to Expand High-Quality Preschool
10/01/2014 New York Times - Would a Different Job Make You a Different Parent?
09/30/2014 Letter to Carolyn Colvin, Commisioner of the Social Security Administration - Same Sex Couples and Social Security Benefits
09/16/2014 Rep. Elizabeth Esty Introduces Legislation to Prevent Child Nicotine Poisoning
08/08/2014 Rep. Elizabeth Esty Applauds $1.1 Million Federal Job-Training Grant for New Britain
08/01/2014 Rep. Elizabeth Esty Decries Tea Party Obstruction in Congress
06/26/2014 Rep. Elizabeth Esty's Statement on One-Year Anniversary of the Supreme Court's Decision To Strike Down DOMA
05/30/2014 Letter to Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States - Preventing Sex Trafficking
05/22/2014 Letter to Carolyn Colvin, Social Security Administration Acting Commissioner- Same-Sex Spouses Deserve Equal Social Security Benefits
05/20/2014 Reps. Kind, Ros-Lehtinen, Schwartz and Esty Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Provide Social Security Benefits for All Legally Married Couples
05/20/2014 Rep. Elizabeth Esty Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Provide Social Security Benefits for All Legally Married Couples
03/27/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Pediatric Acquired Brain Injury Plan
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Marriage Equality and Equal Rights
08/24/2013 The Register Citizen - Esty Comes to Torrington to Talk About DOMA's Impact
06/26/2013 Esty Statement on SCOTUS Marriage Equality Ruling
03/01/2013 212 Members of Congress File Historic Amicus Brief on DOMA Case before U.S. Supreme Court
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Marriage Equality and Equal Rights
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Quality Education

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